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  1. S

    Success Rates

    I hunt a unit that has large areas with few if any elk. My guess is that only about 25% of the unit has significant elk. Within that area most is not worth hunting. The statistics provided by the State are probably reasonably accurate. The unit I hunt has about a decent success record over...
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    Elk fourm question for experienced guys.

    I post occasionally here and on other forums, but start threads exclusively on another. The threads need to have a lot of variety to keep people interested. The best threads have a variety of posts that show various perspectives. Elknut mentioned that there are different ways to hunt, but...
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    Hunting someone elses stand

    I always have several stands up during the season. If someone is in one of mine, I visit with them and tell them I will plan to hunt the one they are in tomorrow or something like that. I never don't get upset. If I do they will think it must be a great location. If I let them use it they...
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    Elknut playbook help

    You will never be good caller until you understand elk. Before I picked up a bugle, I would spend some years hunting and learning elk. After that I would add calling as another tool for an option. It is not a universal toy that is a free pass to elk. Many of the best hunters don't use them...
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    Hunting someone elses stand

    I set up several stands every season. A few times I have found hunters in one of mine. I think all have offered to move on, but in every case I have insisted they stay and enjoy their hunt and I go on to one of my other spots. One time I went only about 60 yards to another man's stand and...
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    Elk bedding area ??

    I know of some areas where elk feed at night in alfalfa fields and travel 5-6 miles across sage brush slopes to get to their bedding areas. It appears to me that they are crossing the open sage areas in favor of a place where the winds cool them off, bugs are less of a bother and there is more...
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    Broadheads for Elk

    I have had aluminum ferrules break before, but it had no adverse effect on making the kill as the penetration was complete. Ferrules break due to the muscle or bone movement on the side of the broadhead shaft. When it is going forward, the ferrule is very strong. When aluminum ferrules...
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    Broadheads for Elk

    I am sure I have killed elk with at least a half dozen different brands of broadheads over the years. I can't say there is one right one. Get one that is sharp and will fly well and you probably are alright. I prefer fixed blade broadheads, but I see some great results coming from some...
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    Spotting scopes during archery?

    I would spend my money on something else. I very rarely use mine elk hunting or scouting. Most years it stays at home when I go.
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    Parking during archery

    Backcountryshaffer makes a good point. Another way to consider it the trail is open is If it has a Forest Service trail number, is shown on Forest Service maps, and the trailhead is signed by the Forest Service, it is open to the public. If you don't see these items, you would be well advised...
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    Elk Movements

    There may be rules for elk movement, but they don't follow those rules very well. I hunt mostly from a tree stand, but worked in the National Forest for a career. I have seen elk out feeding in the open with the temperature near 90* . I have had elk come to my tree stand at all times. Storms...
  12. S

    When to best scout a unit?

    If I could make one scouting trip it would be as close to the time I plan to hunt as possible. While you are looking at terrain and for good camp spots etc, watch for actively used trails, last year's rubs around bedding areas and old wallows. They are usually a good indicator that elk are in...
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    Who's Elk?

    In a law library years ago I read about a case like this. It was determined that the elk belongs to the first person that made a fatal shot on the elk, if was reasonable they would have recovered it. I do not know if the uncle made a fatal shot on the elk but he was still on it.
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    Broadhead for elk

    Would everyone that has broadheads given them by the manufacturer please inform us, so we can know who is in essence getting paid for their "opinion"? - - - Updated - - - Here is a picture of my 2018 elk killed with a Cyclone. I buy my broadheads at the same price anyone else can get them.
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    Elk and Game Trails

    Cattle and elk often use the same trails. Sometimes they are using them during the same period of time. Don't rule out a spot because there are cattle around, but when there are a lot of cattle, the elk can be displaced. Again trail cams can help.
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    Elk and Game Trails

    I check trails. As I look over trails, I try to see what else I can observe too. For bow hunters rubs are always good to see as they tell you bulls are in the area around archery season. Multiple trails that come together at a water hole or wallow are good places to look for fresh sign. Be...
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    A cautionary tale / dealing with game wardens

    I see this a little differently. I recommend contacting the landowner and explaining what happened, but going to the police seems over the top. At least in My State the police can't give you permission to trespass. That comes from the landowner. If the landowner wants to pursue trespass...
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    Would You Hunt Elk in July??

    Sure, but I would not take a mature cow. Depredation or not, I do not want to kill a month old calf. My choice would be a young bull.
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    Internet and BS Particpants?

    If you are comfortable in your own skin and can get-er-done on your own, what effect does some wantabe's advise have on you? I understand if you are new to elk hunting, it may be hard to separate the good information from the chaff, but if you are experienced, why would you be complaining? If...
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    Oregon or Idaho advice

    It is hard to know if the thread is intended to be at all serious, if it is a sort of allegory, or is a totally facetious. It helps if we use avatars when we are just being silly. After hunting the steep coastal jungles awhile, I can well imagine Tioga is serious about wanting a flat dry land...