What’s with all your little underhanded comments? Dilute rokslide? Your previous comment I responded to? ….Are you from the west coast? That’s what they do, little passive aggressive comments and then act like the other party is uncivilized when they are finally called out. Basing your opinion...
That’s not the issue we are discussing, that’s fine but what about the people’s states where they aren’t currently and they would not want to deal with them. No one is asking to take away your experience.
Black bears have a massively larger range and numbers….also you stand more of a chance against a black bear. People fight off mountain lions, wolves, black bears….not grizzlies. And they are sneaky as hell.
Thanks for the reply, interesting you’ve noticed a difference in the hunted and non hunted bears. I swore I came across a recent article where there was some study supporting this but others are saying it’s the opposite.
To counter, why should your preferences impact people in other states? I’ve seen your example actually go the other way. People move into states and change the politics of the main city and then pass statewide laws instead of local ones that dictate things to rural people they will never...
I see what you are saying but we are drawing a line of what’s in and what’s out. Things go extinct all the time and we don’t bat an eye. I’m not proposing they are made extinct but that they shouldn’t be allowed to expand.
So assuming you live in Wyoming based off your username. If you have grizzlies where you live and you enjoy that, great. Do you think they should expand to areas of other people who you will never know or meet? Genuinely curious.
Never said it was but we’ve been part of nature ourselves for a long time and our impact.I assume you aren’t willing to give up your nice comfy home, vehicle, synthetic clothes, mined metal for tops and guns, toxic mining for rare earth metals so you have a computer to post on rokslide, food...
Humans have been shaping their environment for 1000s of years. Do we want an environment from the 1900’s? Before or after Indians had an apocalypse from small pox? The idea of this untouched environment is falling apart as we learn about our history. We’ve been changing our world for a long time...
I feel like this is kinda like the world telling people in India to grow the Tiger population when one ate their Auntie last week and they are just big pussies if they are worried about it.
I replied to your other comment nicely and asked for the formula as I haven't used my stats class in 15 years. You know the calc is wrong but you obviously don't know the answer either but you sure are mouthy. Here I figured it out for the both of us.
1 - (1-p) ^ n
Why do some deer fear humans and others eat out of your front yard. I think animals are smarter than you give them credit for. They notice when Bob gets blasted from down the street.
Statistics are reality...informed decisions are the best decisions. Also, everyone you know drives everyday, how often are they outdoors in grizzly habitat?
True in the pure statistics definition from stats classes but its still used for a rough estimation. Unless there is another calculation that was used that I can't recall which is very possible. Please share if you have another way.
Your lifetime chances are roughly 1:100 to die in a car wreck, just was looking that up...Thats lifetime, so on a yearly basis of activity you would roughly be 3.1x more likely to get attacked by a grizzly bear.
Also, just because we face current risks doesn't mean we have to add more. Why...
I understand your line of thinking, out of curiosity I searched for some data. I've always had an issue when stats are used against a population base that will never actually experience the risk. Not saying this is what you are doing just previous experience.
If we assume the target saturation...
Its not going to get far if you start throwing insults on post #3. Lets have an adult convo, we can do it.
I have plenty of experience with black bears...have been charged 2x and a couple other interesting interactions. I also backpacked into Yellowstone and hammock camped with an ex gf and...