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  1. P

    Post Covid Brain Fog

    Is this something you did? Thanks for the reply
  2. P

    Post Covid Brain Fog

    Wife and I finally got Covid 6 weeks ago. Had crazy head pressure at the acute phase that has improved but stabilized as really bad brain fog for 5 weeks. Wife's seems to be more dizziness than brain fog. I had dizziness the first couple weeks but that went away. Anyone else get this, did it...
  3. P

    Snakebit dog - vaccine PSA

    City ER vets and City vets in general are worthless. They are more sales orgs than actual vets. My dog had a prostate infection that almost killed him. Left him overnight at the Evergreen Animal Hospital in CO, came to check on him in the AM and he was pissing blood and barely could walk. Went...
  4. P

    Country music

    do yourself a favor and listen to Aaron Watson
  5. P

    Biden Administration imposes lead bans in 8 F&W areas

    Sorry chaps, I like this rule. I quit using lead voluntarily years ago and don't see this as government overreach just like not dumping chemicals in the creek.
  6. P

    Big city living

    Ive lived in both and there are pros and cons. I was more relaxed in the country but had 0 friends. The people that lived in our area awere all older so my wife and I felt lonely. There wasn't really any place to go within 1.5 hours to go meet people either. Every other thing was better in the...
  7. P

    What are the top factors determining where you live?

    How do you guys go out alone in bear country? I have a place up in flathead valley mt and every year someone gets killed around here it seems. Keeps me from doing anything when I visit. Call me a puss or whatever but grizzlies are the only thing I haven’t been able to get over.
  8. P

    What are the top factors determining where you live?

    We came out 3 years ago and I’ve never been more depressed in my life with no sun. We’ve since left. Buddy moved out soon after me and had the same experience. How do you manage?
  9. P

    WTS Vortex, Tipi Tent, Rangefinders, Bipod

    Nope, just use different optics and tent solutions now.
  10. P

    Ever Used Your Sidearm While Hunting?

    People think about the bear protection with a gun question with a narrow view. I have used mine several times as a noise maker before a situation ever developed. If a bear isn’t immediately running away from me I sling a couple in his direction to scare him away. No waiting to be charged to use...
  11. P

    WTS Vortex, Tipi Tent, Rangefinders, Bipod

    -------Updated with new Items 11/23/24 --------- Seek Outside 6 Man Tipi with stove vent and carbon fiber pole - $900 Sig Kilo2400bdx Rangefinder -$520 Hilleberg Soulo - $850 Leica Rangemaster 2000-B SOLD Inreach Mini V1 - SOLD Atlas Bipod - SOLD Brand New Vortex HD GEN - II - E 1-6 x...
  12. P

    USFS Land now a Mtn. Bike Park? WT?

    I know when they come back through and plant a tree every 6 inches its bad. There's no habitat in those thickets that result.
  13. P

    Calling small/medium business owners

    I would not go this route without business experience. All loans you will be able to get are going to carry personal guarantees. Which means they will take EVERYTHING from you if you fail. If you have the schedule to start something on the side I would go that route, build up something small...
  14. P

    Ford 5.0L V8 vs EcoBoost: High mileage experience?

    I've replaced my throttle body 4x and ford thinks there isn't a problem. Asshats.
  15. P

    Ford 5.0L V8 vs EcoBoost: High mileage experience?

    It has since stopped doing that and I know I have a coil misfiring, does that change anything?
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    USFS Land now a Mtn. Bike Park? WT?

    Once of the biggest obstacles is that society somehow accepts the logic that building trails is somehow an environmental endeavor.
  17. P

    USFS Land now a Mtn. Bike Park? WT?

    There’s no such thing as a hike and bike park. Once an area becomes a biking area it pushes all the hikers out and it’s just a bike park no matter how inclusive they claim to make it.
  18. P

    Ford 5.0L V8 vs EcoBoost: High mileage experience?

    I think I’ve had this for the last several years, I can smell it burning off sometimes