Search results

  1. H

    Urinating while in a stand

    Given how strong elk urine is in bedding areas, I can’t imagine ours would impact them.
  2. H

    What does everyone do for a living?

    Cool. I’m a nuclear physicist, CHP, RRPT. Own consulting firm cleaning up nuclear/radiological sites.
  3. H

    Best Hunting Boots

    Hope they serve and fit you well. I love mine!
  4. H

    Peloton 118 vs 97 zip offs

    I hunted 1st Rifle north of Durango last using the Kuiu merino 145 and peloton 200 zip offs under First Lite Catalyst pants. Temps were moderate. As the pants were lined, I preferred the lighter 145 during the first brisk hour. Didn’t really wear the 200s but if it turned cold, I would have worn...
  5. H

    Bear Meat is delicious.

    In an area with a potentially mixed food source, do black bears have a preference? Is it season based? Does it make that much difference in the meat taste? Hunting at middle CO near WY border this fall, elk first rifle.
  6. H

    For those who worry about bears...

    Regardless of wearing sidearm on hip or chest, the point is moot.
  7. H

    Favorite holster mounting options for backpacking

    FHF gear now has a Kydex holster that attaches to their bino pack. Most Glocks and some XDM. See®-holster-by-razco-gear
  8. H

    Glock 10mm questions

    The new Kydex G20 holster attachment to the FHF bino pack is pricey but solves these issues beautifully.
  9. H

    The $50 fee?

    I’m new here but have gotten so much information from others that get it here. Even if $50 was mandatory, the advice given by others far exceeds that in value. Cheers.