Correct if if I'm wrong here. Aren't these things just a small deep cycle battery with an inverter all wrapped up in a pretty box with an outrageous price tag. These things seem to be getting more and more popular due to the fact people don't know what they are. Someone set me straight if I'm...
Got me a couple of these miniature southern Oklahoma deer. The small bodies make the antlers look huge when they are coming through the thicket. Took me all day yesterday packing them out of a public land thicket. Had a blast.
I've got five codes for as well if anyone is still wanting one PM me.
All codes are claimed. That was quick.
Thanks Linkovich for starting this thread.
Watch the video of me with the sound up, I sound like an idiot but it's hilarious. I was going in to get a deer that day. If your not having fun with your sled your doing it all wrong.
I have pulled out tons of deer with the sled but only one elk, last year. I can tell you that a sled with a...
Finally happened on day 12 in Montana. Just saw a herd walking by a couple hundred yards down the mountain. Slowly worked him into a killing mood with raking, grunting, and light bugles. He then proceeded to come up the mountain to kill me.