prm, mine came in and let me preface my answer to your question by letting you know that my Guide GTX's are the insulated version. With that said, and after trying on both boots to compare, the width and toe box on the Colorado's feels almost identical to my Guide's. There is a bit more room in...
This. My 240 goes with me everywhere.
Not a fan of the Guide either. So far for my use the Axis Hybrid has been a infinitely better shell and probably what the Guide should've been.
I do not have the Takur jacket. I've been using my Yukon jacket with the Takur pants. When or if the Takurs come up on sale I'll probably spring for one though.
I've got both the Tora and Takur pants. Want the Tora jacket but it's out of stock in my size everywhere I've looked. Sneaky's right, the DWR on the Toras is exceptional. Ran the Toras the last two weeks of our hunting season this year where we had a ton of rain and they were fantastic.
Thanks for the heads up. Just ordered a pair in 10.5 W from Black Ovis. Thinking these are going to be the ticket for my sheep hunt in the Yukon next year.
Don't know how I missed it for so long but it's without a doubt my favorite hunting channel on YouTube. They all come across as authentic guys who love to hunt and convey it very well in the show.
To the guys that have had Rbros build them a rifle what generally was the turn around time? Would be doing a ground up build so wouldn't be supplying any parts. Thanks.