If it were me I would contact Beau Baty @ Wilderness Trail Llamas . He is a great guy and is very, very knowledgeable. I am sure he would be very helpful. He has tack gear as well as animals for sale.
On Kodiak Island I had several foxes set right at my feet while hunting deer. I would squeak a little and they would come. They acted like they had never seen a human.
Hunting turkeys in Kansas from a ground blind and had a fair mule deer buck walk up to the blind and stick his nose in the window.
I am 78 and am aware that I'm not 100% but still able to do most things. Our oldest son goes with me when ever I want to do something where it might entail some risk. He is so kind and caring and this makes me feel wonderful. It is so easy to be marginalized when you get old. My advise would be...
75, 150, 150, 250, 450. Moose have big lungs and take a while to fall over sometimes. My biggest was my first. He was 71" and I shot him with a 7MM twice in the lungs -he didn't even flinch and then twice in the neck..last shot broke his neck. 450 yard shot was after I had climbed a mountain...
I was turkey hunting in Kansas with my back against a tree. Right behind me I hear this horrible really ;loud scream, I thought for a moment the devil was there to claim me. I shook for an hour. I finally realized it was a mountain lion after I got it on a game camera that afternoon.
This is avery common problem in the West. Buy now as it looks like inflation is going to soar really soon...even higher than the last 6 months.
Creste Butte Colorado average home is $900,00 and the workers cannot find housing. This is not even one of the premier ski areas. High end homes in...
Shelter Cove is very good BUT I think Dave is booked for 2022. He took 600 people fishing this year. If he is available talk to him and work out your schedule. He is very helpful.
Sam Dalin is also very good out of Ketchikan...Dalin Charters & Guiding. He will work with you on your desires BUT...