I agree with the sentiments regarding limiting tags. Too many hunters in many otc areas.
As a solo hunter there is a tipping point between temps and distance that determines how far I can ethically go (off trail) after elk. This season has been influenced more by the number of hunters than the...
1960 savage 99F. A tack driver. 308. Great trigger. Merit aperture sight. I hunt timber when rifle elk. I love the balance of this rifle. When I first got it there was a scope on it. Before I removed the scope I spent some time on the range and it is a wonderfully accurate rifle. I run with...
I did just that- got a Eberlestock mainframe and put a kifaru 1850 on it. It has been great so far. To haul meat you just loosen the straps at the top and there will be space between the frame and the bag. I was using an Eberlestock X2 for several years but I didn't like its wide width, the...
I have seen a quickie event push them down briefly with little snow. I have seen them stay high in what seem much worse conditions (deeper snow, colder, more wind) once they settle into the winter like weather. To generalize once its more work for them to feed up high than lower they will start...
I have wire racks from abandoned fridges placed on the bottom of the coolers to hold the meat off the bottom. I have one cooler packed solid with ice while hunting as it keeps ice better this way and usually early archery the temps can be very warm.
I do think its important as mentioned to...
I decided to try out the Eberlestock mainframe pack system for a variety of reasons, both economic and otherwise and in doing so tried out the batwings they offer. Of course they are well made, but I felt they lacked some features that reflect a brief design effort. Here are my pros and...
One trick I use is soft cow calling on the edge of the group. Sometimes this is within 50yds. I only call sparingly. Just once or twice, sometimes over 10 minutes. They will often "drift" your way, to casually check out who you are. The bull, if there is one and he is tending, will eventually...
That has been my experience as well in one unit but a buddy knocked down his bull 1st day of smokepole and that was at 9200' in the small timber meadows.
It depends on how much you share with your wife in regards to discomfort. The lesser commitment is going to be the one that decides the hunts intensity.
Either season can have its challenges. Weather wise rifle seasons will have more that are weather related. Personally, when I hunt rifle I...
I have seen foul weather come into the rockies even during archery and push the elk down. So anything can happen. They can handle an amazing amount of fierce weather before dropping down but they are just like us sometimes and the first snow squall with a lot of wind and some cold they will...
I've had a 64" Super Staic recurve for several years and love it. Very quiet and forgiving for me- which is just the opposite experience as Beendare's. I draw about 31 inches. I had problems shooting a 62 inch hybrid longbow due to the sharp string angle at my draw length even though it was a...