Interesting…. I was convinced on the 500s but bare shaft was weak. Also the 3 rivers spine calculator says I should be even stiffer then I am. I was cutting 500s down to 30 “ but didn’t want to go much shorter because arrow weight was down to 478 and getting close to my hand. I will add some...
Toelke chinook left handed, 48@28, pulling 28.75.
400 spine full length axis 5mm 200 up front, 3 four inch trad vanes in standard 3 fletch right helical f configuration, cock vane up. Shooting off elevated mono test.
The inside vane has a bunch of black wear marks on it from contact, is this...
I have 2.5 years into them. They leaked pretty quickly, lacing system is very good. Tight toe box for sure. The stitching along the back Achilles area is falling apart. Good boot, not perfect. I think I liked the crispi briksdal better.
Oh ya sorry I wasn’t trying to be a jerk just was not quite clear what you were asking for it. How’s the release feel? Crisp sear and easy to hook? Auto reload?
I would try a different head. There is no way this thing flys worse ( if it’s not bent or has a significant wobble) then an iron will wide just because it’s 1/2” longer. Maybe if your shooting softballs at 80 yards but not noticeably egregiously worse at 20-50.
Ya I would bet that thing would be a foot or more to the left at 30-40. Once you get to that distance you can just shoot a fletch fixed broadhead and just worry about poi not shaft angle