Search results

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    WTS Kimber Pro Blak .280 AI

    You willing to split rifle/rings only?
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft

    It’s sold
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    Still looking for one. Only savage they said they have is a 338 and the 375 Ruger is a left handed Ruger. Let me know if anyone has one for sale thanks I’m looking for right handed
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft

    Still looking. Someone gotta have one to sell. Thanks
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    I’ll call again tomorrow because they told me they didn’t have any and it had been sold.
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    It was sold when I called. Still looking for one
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft

    Still looking. Let me know please. Have cash or trades.
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    WTS Colt Light Rifle Conversion

    Now that Wilson combat owns Nula who are you having do the work?
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    Makes it cheaper…. Perfect thanks
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    Thanks I’ll call them Monday and see if they can send it up to me. I’m in Fairbanks
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    WTB Savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger

    Been looking to try to find one of these. savage 110 brush hunter 375 ruger. This is the 20” threaded version. Got cash ready if you got one let me know please in pm.
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    WTB Kimber Montana 338wm

    Been looking around trying to find one with no luck. Kimber Montana 338wm. If you got one you want to part with please let me know in pm. Got cash or trades just let me know. Thank you
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft

    Still looking for 25-06,270,or 30-06 FC Also the rare and elusive 6mm cm if anyone will part with one
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    WTB Benelli SBE or SBE2 (SBEii)

    Got a SBE2 in camo if interested pm me
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    Sold WTT Fieldcraft 6mm 21” for 6mm 18” threaded

    Take to a reputable gunsmith and have cut to length and threaded. That’s what I did with my 30-06 fieldcraft
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    WTB Fieldcraft rings,low tally

    I got some used ones if you want. I know they are 30mm and they are lows or mediums.
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft

    Still looking. Let me know thanks
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    WTB Barrett Fieldcraft .270

    Hope you find one I love mine I have. If you get any caliber fieldcrafts you don’t want I may be interested send them my way lol