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  1. mhabiger

    Wyo Task Force - Nonres Comments!

    Man nonresident tag allocations always get me conflicted. As a nonresident I gravitate toward spending my dollars on states that provide more opportunity. I've had a great time hunting Wyoming the last 4 years. But I kind of understand the sentiment of wanting to keep as much opportunity for...
  2. mhabiger

    Nonresident Hunters And Reduced Fee Black Bear Unit Success Rates

    @Hannibal 100% agree with you. Being a fella with deer and elk tags in 15 this fall, I figured I'd run around bear hunting this spring and get a feeling for access points and terrain features. The odds are low and if success is measured by a bear on the ground, prepare to be disappointed. I've...
  3. mhabiger

    Idaho Spring Bear Camp

    This is a great idea. The last two Springs I've done spot and stalk in WY and ID (just back from the heat wave...or I guess it is still going). While I say I'm bear hunting it might as well be backpacking. The experience and time afield is always good but I just feel like I'm hunting too...
  4. mhabiger

    Canceled “Covid19” 2020 KC area MoKan Rendezvous 9am Olathe KS bow range

    Also in KC and would be down to meet up.
  5. mhabiger

    WY antelope Unit 52-1 NR with 5 ppts? First timer.

    You have better odds of drawing 52-2 and would mostly likely draw 52-2 special if you can afford the added cost. Hunting is restricted to the southern half the unit though. The quota was reduced by 50 tags for 1 and 2 type hunts so 52-2 special is likely your best bet.
  6. mhabiger

    Hanging Out With Hemingway--Almost, By Karen White Walker

    Great short story! I'm sucker for good outdoor stories. It had a little bite like McGuane's short stories. I sent it to my wife, who I've been trying to get back into hunting. On second thought...that might have been a bad idea.
  7. mhabiger

    Help me plan the rest of my hunting life.

    If its consistent opportunity and public land you are looking for then consider these states: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and Colorado. You could hunt over-the-counter tags in Idaho and Arizona any year. Idaho nonresident tags go on sale in December and are capped. So be prepared to sit on...
  8. mhabiger

    2020 Hunts- Deer, Mt Goat, Bears, Sheep, Bou, Moose

    Fantastic thread and awesome to see the kids having success and getting after it. Really is amazing to see the breadth of opportunity that Alaska offers along with some cool hunts in the lower 48!
  9. mhabiger

    Hunt Score

    I own the site so I'm biased and would say they are 100% accurate :) In reality the HuntScore, FreezerScore and TrophyScore are composites, some folks like them and others hate them. There are 9 factors that go into creating the composite scores and at the end of the day, people who disagree...
  10. mhabiger

    Wyoming DIY Spring Bear Hunt Ideas

    I bounced around 14 and 15 last Spring and was in the South tip of 4 in the fall during an elk hunt. I was probably 1.5 weeks early on 14 and 15. There was still a good bit of snow and not a ton of green around the 3rd week of May. My initial plan was to get into unit 16 but it was pretty much...