Search results

  1. ChrisA

    Limited "spirits" in Jamaica?

    I was in Jamaica 11 years ago and found plain not spiced Captain Morgan that is not stocked in the US. It was pretty good but I prefer Appleton in Jamaica, and Mount Gay in Barbados; of course the unspiced versions. And yes, there is a difference in Red Stripe. If it says Imported on the...
  2. ChrisA

    Sold Traditions .50 Vortek Strikerfire

    Bump for a fine value muzzleloader that's easy to keep, accurate, and easy to carry. My go to when I'm not packing a specialized smokeless.
  3. ChrisA

    Weather / conditions in your area

    I appreciate the anonymity but wouldn't it be a little helpful to at least list a state or region in your profile? Would save a lot of wondering wtf someone is reporting from. @Schoolhousegrizz I find it ironic that you ask where, where, where but don't list a location in your own profile. I...
  4. ChrisA

    Frontal shot on whitetails

    Good point, I failed to mention that I was on the ground earlier. I will add, she caught me moving and was coming closer and down wind to investigate. I drew when she went behind a small cedar, she stepped out and I shot as soon as she looked away.
  5. ChrisA

    Frontal shot on whitetails

    I did for the first time on a doe a couple weeks ago. Was shooting Iron Will 125gr solids on an Easton Axis, total weight was 465 grains @ 270fps. Arrow went dead center into tracea, through right lung and out behind the shoulder. She went 70 yards and blood trial was very good. I had zero...
  6. ChrisA

    Is the western hunting bubble bursting? (Or at least shrinking?)

    Same for Colorado 2nd in an OTC unit we've been hunting for many years. This time we experienced many drivers of UTVs, a couple fat tired motorcycles, and believe it or not, pickups with a blatant disregard for off trail regulations. How in hell are you going to motor up to a meadow and expect...
  7. ChrisA

    Best interior barn door kit?

    These are the trolleys and part of the track off an outbuilding that was used for cattle and hay that we tore down on our place. I used reclaimed ship lap from overhead bins of a corn crib and the 1 bys are reclaimed from our old barn, one of which was already reclaimed and repurposed in the...
  8. ChrisA

    Quitting Alcohol

    My condolences to you and your family. "Can't fix stupid," I get what you're saying but I believe there's way more involved than "stupid". I for one knew that I could possibly "shell out my liver" but I never realized exactly what alcohol does to your body until I listened to the Huberman #86...
  9. ChrisA

    Quitting Alcohol

    True, been there. Thanks
  10. ChrisA

    Quitting Alcohol

    I don't preach it and certainly dont look at anyone who partakes any differently, but I can attest to all the positive experiences of sobriety in this thread so far; my life is better in every way imaginable. I dont have street cred or tenure at over 6 months yet but thought I'd put in a plug...
  11. ChrisA

    How much wood for a week in the wall tent?

    This pile lasted 6 days 2nd rifle in the Flat Tops. Was 17 below one morning.
  12. ChrisA

    Anyone Report Poachers/Illegal Things in CO?

    Probably should have turned in a couple dudes on fat tired motorcycles, a few more running side x sides, and several driving pickups off trail in the Flat Tops. Inconsiderate idiots
  13. ChrisA

    My first bowling pin shoot.

    A good friend of mine and his dad have been shooting bowling pins for years. They host an annual fun shoot at their range and invited me this summer. We shot 9mm first, then the 44 or 45s, then 22 pistols at sawed off heads of the pins, and finally 12 gauge with buckshot. Was a ton of fun and...
  14. ChrisA

    Anyone have problems doing strict carnivore?

    Thanks for taking the time to explain. My liver surely took a beating in my youth too. Youth is anything under 50 right?
  15. ChrisA

    Anyone have problems doing strict carnivore?

    What happened to your liver @stoopiddumbman ?
  16. ChrisA

    Anyone have problems doing strict carnivore?

    Eating out with customers at lunch usually sucks, damned near every menu choice is loaded with carbs. So then I feel like I have to explain why I requested no bun or fries. Not sure whats worse, explaining why I quit drinking or why I eat the way I do.
  17. ChrisA

    300 Win Mag Question

    Berger 210 HVLD only because of 11 twist, otherwise I'd be shooting the 215 hybrid
  18. ChrisA

    Pant for Business Casual

    Another vote for Kuhl. I originally bought a pair for business casual meetings then ended up with a closet full. I wear Kuhl 99.5% of the time.
  19. ChrisA

    Quitting Alcohol

    Kinda neat when the white of your eyes are actually white and not piss yellow and bloodshot. Day #126. Hell, next thing you know it'll be half a year. Hang tough guys!
  20. ChrisA

    Quitting Alcohol

    I read somewhere on here to "never drink your calories", and I've got fat kid genes so I stick to sparkling water when I need something more. Drank a 12 pk of La Croix Lemoncello at a rib cook-off last weekend, it was hot though so I'll blame it on the need to hydrate. God help me if I didn't...