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  1. S

    Sheep hunter rescued...

    OK........It appears the regulation was "changed". Soon they will "change" the regulation about "drone" usage while hunting. OK to use a drone, but you can't shoot the "Same" day you used the drone. I would expect there will be an increase of fake a twisted ankle, and get a ride out. A friend...
  2. S

    Sheep hunter rescued...

    I disagree, and I know guys who have been rescued, and had to leave their gear and rifles. Sheep season September 1980 there was four foot of snow dumped in 30 hours, they sent military helicopters to extract everyone in the Delta area. We were on the Robertson Glacier, and had been trapped mid...
  3. S

    Sheep hunter rescued...

    The one I am referring to, is an Alaska hunting "regulation". A helicopter may "NOT" be used in "ANY" way in a Hunting application. To the extent, that is a fisherman leaves his fishing camp that transported him, and then "WALKS" in a month later and uses anything that a helicopter had...
  4. S

    Sheep hunter rescued...

    I "doubt" it. But that is the law. If they come and rescue someone and use a Super Cub, then all their gear can legally go with them. If they come with a helicopter, "only" the person can be rescued, then they go back in the future and get their rifle and gear. Or they can hire someone to fetch...
  5. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    The example I gave of the Hunters at Swiss Lake. I profited "ZERO". I was riding along on the flight to haul fuel to a mining camp, because getting 55 gallon drums full of fuel out of a C-185 on floats, is not a one man job. So I was riding along to "HELP". Un paid, for free. I was helping the...
  6. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    That is because you viewed my original post as an "attack". You fail to see that I was asking a question. My whole point is there are other options then being herded into a Caribou hunt. My point is that maybe suddenly some "profiteers" (a few years ago) figured out they could sell drop-off...
  7. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    And "YET" few have ever seen this. I seriously doubt that hunters today have ever watched tens of thousands come through day after day, for months, valleys full of caribou, "flowing" like an endless a river of caribou as far in both directions as you can see. Herds were numbered in the...
  8. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    I don't need a "City'boy" like you to be giving me credit, for anything. What does a "CITY Boy" like you know about living in the bush......??? I have lived in many remote parts of Alaska, many I had to fly one of my Super Cubs to so I could land on the lake or beach. yet this is the "Only"...
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    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    You being a "CITY" person. I'll defer to you knowledge about "pollution"
  10. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Ding...Ding....Ding.....we have a "Winner" of todays "clueless" trophy. I can "explain" it to you, but I can't understand it for you. You need to do that. A “Sourdough” is an old time Alaskan – someone who has learned the ways of this beautiful and at times harsh land. The name comes from the...
  11. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    I choose it because fifty some years ago, when you could still file for free land through the Federal Homestead Act, I homesteaded on the upper Susitna River, above the Denali Haul Road. And because I built a small hunting lodge on Majestic Lake Clark, and a large hunting lodge near King Salmon...
  12. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Just strange that this was only recently discovered. You would think that something as wonderful as this would have been common knowledge. Or just maybe it is a good sales job by those who profit. For me, when I am asked where to invest $3,000.00 or $5,000.00 total cost for a non-resident...
  13. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    A "forum" is a platform for members to express their opinion. I expressed mine. And so far, there has not been a rebuttal. Only upset, and personal attacks.
  14. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Clearly......this explains why the non-resident is paying $3,000.00 or $5,000.00 or more to harvest a caribou. The Wolf seems to historically been revered as a cherished "Trophy", and any place you find substantial numbers of Caribou, you will find wolves. Back when there were tens of...
  15. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Notice that they have so far failed to respond to the point I proposed in the first post of this thread. Which by default points to the validity of what I suggested in the original post. Notice that while their lacking any creditable rebuttal, they are compelled to attack the messenger. For...
  16. S

    Hunting Scenario Questions for experienced moose killers

    Congratulations........nice Moose.
  17. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....??? have "Special Snowflake Syndrome", there is medical treatment for that. And given your other post, you clearly have "Reading Comprehension" issues. You might look into "Night School". I doubt much can be done reference you being a "Spoiled Brat". But that is a core feature of...
  18. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Please show where I "MENTIONED" the Alaska Range. Show where I mentioned "ANY" Range, Mountain Range, or even a Range for cooking dinner....??? See I said "Zero" about any Range, In fact I did not mention any location other then Caribou in Alaska. My reference to, "not" blissful wilderness...
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    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Strange......that does not seem consistent with much of the postings on this forum reference traveling to and from Alaska.
  20. S

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    I think that is an accurate answer.