The last two I bought new they cost me only oil changes (I change at 5000+) and tires (one set) and traded in at $13k off purchase price after owning 4+ years and never owned out of warranty.
See, I disagree with part of this. Many of us use diesel trucks for work. And believe it or not, they are actually cheaper to own while under warranty. Due to that plus the way they hold their value, it's cheaper to own a new diesel than an older one if you use them daily. And trust me-I've...
You don't know what you are talking about. Cottonmouths are super territorial during mating season. They will absolutely get in the boat with you or chase you. If you don't know, you don't know.
You may not own the wildlife, but you own the habitat and the food that sustains them. If it weren't for private landowners in every state, there wouldn't be a fraction of the amount of game that we currently have. It's best for states to incentivize those that own this habitat so that they...
In my business, we use credit lines for inventory. Meaning the more debt we incur the higher our inventory is and usually inventory turnover. Last year for every dollar I borrowed, I paid 6 cents in interest but netted 30 cents in profit after
Same thought process when it comes to business loans. Interest is a line item expense for me and the more interest I pay, the more money I make. The last two years our business investment returned over 50% due to matching our investment with bank capital.
CC points are paid back off credit card fees that are charged to retailers when cards are used. The fees are automatically built into prices of goods and services.