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  1. C

    Trading my half ton for something with higher towing capacity

    The last two I bought new they cost me only oil changes (I change at 5000+) and tires (one set) and traded in at $13k off purchase price after owning 4+ years and never owned out of warranty.
  2. C

    Trading my half ton for something with higher towing capacity

    Buy a 2500HD with a duramax motor. I've owned about ten of them now and they are by far the cheapest vehicles to own per mile depreciated.
  3. C

    $82k- edit; for a 4 door Jeep Rubicon

    See, I disagree with part of this. Many of us use diesel trucks for work. And believe it or not, they are actually cheaper to own while under warranty. Due to that plus the way they hold their value, it's cheaper to own a new diesel than an older one if you use them daily. And trust me-I've...
  4. C

    Broken Bow Question

    Shuck Me seafood is our favorite along with Grateful head. Floating the mountain fork in kayaks is a must! Decent trout fishing.
  5. C

    Ever Used Your Sidearm While Hunting?

    Yeah tell that to the handful of snakes that I have had to whip with my fishing pole until they quit coming after me.
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    Ever Used Your Sidearm While Hunting?

    You don't know what you are talking about. Cottonmouths are super territorial during mating season. They will absolutely get in the boat with you or chase you. If you don't know, you don't know.
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    Choosing a hunting unit or area

    For whatever reason, my best animals have come from units that look terrible on paper....
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    Show Up Early or Hunt Longer?

    If you have three weeks to hunt, I would definately go in early to try to find a booner to set up on for the opener.
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    A bill to set aside 2550 tags for wealthy nonresident landowners is being proposed in Montana

    You may not own the wildlife, but you own the habitat and the food that sustains them. If it weren't for private landowners in every state, there wouldn't be a fraction of the amount of game that we currently have. It's best for states to incentivize those that own this habitat so that they...
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    Spare Magazine or not Backcountry Sidearm

    Thanks for sharing - I'm in Texas and the border issue is just a complete nightmare at this point. Not gonna get any better anytime soon.
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    Spare Magazine or not Backcountry Sidearm

    Would love to here this story as I hunt on the border a lot
  12. C

    Gawd I hate Valentines Day

    You can tell by some of these answers the guys who had a Happy Valentines from those who practiced another night of abstinence....
  13. C

    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    In my business, we use credit lines for inventory. Meaning the more debt we incur the higher our inventory is and usually inventory turnover. Last year for every dollar I borrowed, I paid 6 cents in interest but netted 30 cents in profit after
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    Who here shoots a 6mm Creedmoor

    I came here hoping the memes had begun....
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    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    If you are in North Tx, I will sign my kids up
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    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    Same thought process when it comes to business loans. Interest is a line item expense for me and the more interest I pay, the more money I make. The last two years our business investment returned over 50% due to matching our investment with bank capital.
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    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    Yes in the last 3 years taking on debt was actually more financially sound than sitting on cash if done correctly.
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    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    Ramsey would argue 2000/year in earnings invested is absolutely wealth building
  19. C

    Where are my anti-debt/credit card people at?

    CC points are paid back off credit card fees that are charged to retailers when cards are used. The fees are automatically built into prices of goods and services.