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  1. G

    If you had...

    I've had a bunch of customs over the years. They all shoot well. It's just a matter of getting used to the grip and sight picture. For the last 10+ years I've been using a Bear Mag TD. In my opinion it has it all. 3 styles of grips, sights-no sights, 3 lengths of limbs at multiple weights. Can...
  2. G

    Traditional Kill Thread 2022

    Nice one. Congrats!
  3. G

    Traditional Kill Thread 2022

    No mouth guard. Just a piece of cat collar folded in half and stitched along the sides. I'm actually missing the third molar on top so shooting four molars under. Ha I found a para olympic archer (Jeff Fabry) on YouTube, He has a tutorial on how to make the tab.
  4. G

    Traditional Kill Thread 2022

    Congrats on your first kill!
  5. G

    Traditional Kill Thread 2022

    Called this Bull in to 20' my first afternoon out. Double lung at 15yds. He went about 45yds and fell in sight. My tenth Moose all trad. Shot with my old Bear mag "B" riser, 40# at my draw using my teeth. 190gr Cutthroat broadhead and old Patriot Carbons. Same as the mulie but I used a VPA 200...
  6. G

    Traditional Kill Thread 2022

    My best Mulie. They have been my nemesis. I've only killed forkies until now. Blasted coyotes found him before I did. He ran into a valley with the other two bucks. When I went to look for him a hour and a half later I saw his buddies looking into a thicket. I backed out and decided to wait till...
  7. G

    Let's see some traditional harvests!

    One of three this year. Shot at about 6 yds. 20 yd. recovery.
  8. G

    Nebraska public land Mule Deer

    Cool video. Congrats on a fine Buck. Thanks for sharing.
  9. G

    57 year old recurve

    I would string it and just flex it a few times a day for a day or two before I shot it. Sounds like its in pretty fair shape tho. Weight is plenty for deer. I shot thru 2 deer this year w 40#. Hit opposite shoulder on the third but busted it up pretty good. She only went 40 yds.
  10. G

    If you were going to commit to hunting moose with a trad bow, what would you get?

    Kevin has pretty much covered it. I will only add my experience w the slightly smaller cousin (Canada sub species). I've taken 9 so far. 6 Bulls and 3 cows. All with trad gear, Recurve and Longbow. A couple w aluminum arrows the rest w carbons. 65-47# draw weight. Two w Snuffer Broadheads, 3 w...