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  1. E


    My first elk. 2nd season OTC tag.
  2. E

    Do I need the spotting scope?

    Just finishing up a 2nd season elk hunt. No you do not need a spotter. When they come out and you want to glass them it is pretty obvious. I only used one to make sure they were legal at very far distances
  3. E

    Kowa Prominar "Glass" vs Swaro ATX/STX/BTX Modularity

    I bought the Kowa 774 and have looked through both the kowa and swaro glass at long and short ranges. I am not dissapointed at all in my purchase. I think they get really overlooked (kowa) and am glad i saved money while having an awesome piece of glass.
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    Brittany Spaniel...

    I do not have a brittany but i do have 2 english setters. Excellent dogs with a great drive and tempermant. They are awesome with our 2 kids as well. They are very driven while they are outside and sleep around like a couple of mooches when inside the house.
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    CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

    I have kept better tabs on this than the presidential election. Is that bad or what lol.
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    Things you have noticed in the gym

    Agree with some above. See a ton of people plop down onto a machine and sit on the phone. Saw a kid in his mid 20s watch entire episodes of shows while sitting down and cracking up the entire time. Drives me up a wall
  7. E

    Experience with Milwaukee m18 chainsaw? And stihl repair

    We use the milwaukee at work being that its provided by the company. And we love them. i cant say i would go felling giant trees with it,but it serves its purpose when needed and guys i work with love it.
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    Best chest pack for binos

    Everybody on here is gonna hate me for this. But I truly like the Muley freak bino harness
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    FNG from MI

    From the thumb area here, near bad axe
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    What TV shows need to come back?

    Do the girls gone wild commercials in between shows at night count? If so, that’s my recommendation
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    FNG from MI

    Welcome, fellow michigander here
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    Hunt report

    Good lord. That thing is huge
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    Suburban Deer

    That’s awesome!
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    What don't I know from watching YouTube hunts?

    Don’t watch Y’tube hunts and expect to go out west and know what you are doing. Not how it works at all
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    Model 70 Rokstok 'Commitment Poll'

    Olden but golden.. original lol
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    Should I bed my action?

    I agree with the above. Yes I would
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    Have you moved out of state?

    I moved to a new area (around 40 miles away) and it was life changing. I loved it. I know it’s not a new area, but like others have said; it was great. New people and you had no past to follow you
  18. E

    September List

    Base or spike?
  19. E

    Enough gun?

    Good lord. This thread is out of hand