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  1. P

    AK state draw results

    DM210 for me! Been trying for that any bull tag for a while! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. P

    First Pack help

    Sorry about misleading as I forgot the most important bit of info previously. I ordered mine through Camofire didn't have the size/color I wanted and the 20% off with Campsaver won me over.
  3. P

    First Pack help

    If you're looking at Mystery Ranch, they give you 20% off your first order and you get free shipping in the lower 48. I got clipped for shipping on my Pintler being in AK, but it was still much cheaper than local. Camofire just never had the right size in stock for me and I wanted to get in...
  4. P

    Stone Glacier bought by Vista Outdoors

    Ouch, that’s gonna be a tough pull to swallow for the gear snobs! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. P

    Who’s Boun It In 2022?

    I'll be taking my boys again next year on our Tier 1 tag. They'll have to flip for who gets to be the shooter. I'm just support crew.
  6. P

    Caribou Meat

    It's obvious that everyone has their own tastes. Everyone in my house prefers caribou over moose, whitetail deer, or blacktail deer. If they didn't I'd spend time hunting something else I guess. Might as well bring home what everyone likes.
  7. P

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Schit, I can live anywhere. City, bush, it doesn’t matter. I’m not a one trick pony pretending I live off grid. I live where I do because of the opportunities for my kids, and to keep my wife happy. You keep playing the old sourdough tough guy bit, and I’ll keep laughing at you like I have for...
  8. P

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Yeah, ok bub. You live right off of the Hope Rd. If you currently lived in the bush I’d give you more credit. For now, you’re just a bored and whiney old prick. Prove me wrong, though I know you can’t. I can’t believe I’m even bothered to respond to your constant drivel. Congrats on trying to...
  9. P

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    Geez, he just pollutes every forum he is involved in. Hope Rd must be getting boring. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. P

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    I’m curious as to what difference it even makes to you? People pay up to hunt trophy whitetails and mule deer too. Caribou are beautiful animals with some sporting fantastic headgear. Furthermore, they are great eating. Why is it so hard to comprehend that this animal, only huntable in one state...
  11. P

    Is the "Caribou" considered, "Entry Level" Trophy Hunting....???

    A "trophy" can mean different things to different people if we're not specifically talking about a scored book trophy. I won't look down at anybody for it either. Everybody's boat floats a bit differently.
  12. P

    My boy got a small bull

    So far the tent has been great. No complaints or problems in the two years I've had it. The addition of the batwing tarp this year was key. So nice to get your gear out of the way and have a nice place to cook/eat/hang out when it's raining.
  13. P

    My boy got a small bull

    This was my boys 2nd bou, but my nephews first hunt. They both love being out there! Really makes me happy that they enjoy it as much as I do.
  14. P

    My boy got a small bull

    We had to go out a couple weeks early this year due to the low quota. I knew it would make for tough hunting in the area we hunt. Not many animals around, mostly cows with calves. My boy was able to connect with the only bull we saw that was close enough to put a stalk on. Small bull, but...
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    Braggin Board for Fishing!

    Correct on both!
  16. P

    Braggin Board for Fishing!

    PB Kenai rainbow Seward Peninsula grayling Chunky spring steelhead Family favorite cohos Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. P

    First boat ride of the year surprise.

    I’ve never run it with a prop, but a few years ago I had my buddy follow me upriver in his zodiac with a prop. I just had him follow me through all the channels and he made it 8 miles up and back without any issues. Water levels are good right now for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. P

    First boat ride of the year surprise.

    It was about a mile upriver. I’ve seen many belugas up there chasing spring hooligan or late summer coho, but never a gray whale. He’s in serious trouble! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. P

    First boat ride of the year surprise.

    Took the boys for a boat ride today. Figured we’d catch a few hooligan (Alaskan smelt) and see if there were an critters running around. Well we saw a couple moose, some wolf tracks, but the biggest surprise was cruising in the river. I’ve seen lots of belugas up in the river, but this was my...
  20. P

    Homemade knives

    Those knife look great man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk