I’m not super familiar with PV, but I had a dedicated hunter tag on it the last few years. I’ve hunted it both early and late rifle for a total of about 8 days. Killed a good buck there in 2020 and my friend killed a decent buck also. Also hunted it last year and passed some good bucks...
Also, the entire mountain holds good populations of deer. The desert areas can hold some monster deer, but the drought has been hard on them and they are struggling right now. I would prefer to hunt the nw corner for that hunt instead of southern end.
The manti is a huge unit. You’ll want to stay fairly mobile, but setting up a base camp should be fine. There will be no shortage of places to setup camp. I would focus on areas mid mountain or lower in elevation. Find groups of does and hopefully the bucks will be in the same general areas.
Scouting would be useful if you want to learn the unit. Generally speaking, don’t expect to see deer in the same areas in September that you’ll be hunting them in November.
I would definitely keep that tag, especially with 8 nonresident points. It’s not a trophy hunt, but there are definitely some great bucks on the manti and while you won’t see the quantity of bucks on these hunts that you would typically see on a lower tier limited entry hunt, I believe your...
I’ve tagged along on a couple of these hunts the last few years. The amount of rutting activity you will see during the day will be dependent on weather and even then it can vary significantly from day to day. These can be really fun hunts, but in my experience, this hunt is about 1-2 weeks...
I’ve hunted both. Of the 2, I think you’ve got the better unit. Manti is a great place for an archery hunt, as long as you have proper expectations. Glad you had a great time last year and know what to expect. And as has been stated, you’ll have no problem with transporting your buddy’s nebo...
Mule deer populations are suffering all over the western US. As stated above, they likely aren’t going to improve any time soon. That said, a lot of great deer are shot every year on “horrible” general units in Utah. I am a Utah resident and I try to hunt different units throughout the state...