Search results

  1. Anozira

    Arrow Lodged in Bull

    Interesting. I'm trying to picture an elk skeleton overlay and if that arrow is through backstrap or just under the spine? I thought most units in CO were 4 point or 5" brow tines? Is this near an area that doesn't require that?
  2. Anozira

    Daughters first elk hunt

    Great story and unforgettable memories that would make any dad proud!
  3. Anozira

    Sold Outdoorsman Bino adapter

    I'll take it, PM incoming.
  4. Anozira

    OnX Map Subscription

    You might check camofire occasionally for the discounted yearly price.
  5. Anozira

    WTB want 300 RUM brass REM BRAND

    I have 56 pieces of once fired 300 RUM Remington brass. I don't know if your interested, I don't reload.
  6. Anozira

    WTS Sell rifle in Nevada

    Ive sold numerous firearms using armslist.
  7. Anozira

    WTB WTB Kifaru Omni Belt

    Closing the thread, thanks.
  8. Anozira

    WTB WTB Kifaru Omni Belt

  9. Anozira

    WTS Vortex Razor's, Carter release, ZEAL Optics, Spot Hogg, Tight Spot, FMJ's, Hamskea, G5, Mathews, etc!!!!

    I may be interested in the FMJ's. What spine are they? Pics?
  10. Anozira

    Grizzly Kills Bull Elk In the Yellowstone River, Hayden Valley, Sept.18 ,2020

    Thanks, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. It seemed like the elk didn't put up as much of a fight as I would have anticipated.
  11. Anozira

    Grizzly Kills Bull Elk In the Yellowstone River, Hayden Valley, Sept.18 ,2020

    The video wont display anymore. :(
  12. Anozira

    WTB Phoneskope for Iphone SE with Vortex Razor HD 16-48x6 adapter

    The new SE or the old SE version?
  13. Anozira

    WTB WTB Kifaru Omni Belt

    Looking for a Omni EDC belt size small in either ranger green or coyote. I would like to add a belt to my Door Gunner pack. Thanks.
  14. Anozira

    Stolen moose antlers

    That is a hard loss to swallow. A moose hunt would be a once in a lifetime hunt for some people (me) and it would make me sick to my stomach if that happened. We stayed in a Durango hotel on the way home last year. I was afraid of that happening to me so I took my elk rack to bed with me.
  15. Anozira

    WTS FirstLite Gear Dump

    Got the shorts, thanks again!
  16. Anozira

    Future Kifaru Minimalist bags

    So interestingly enough related to minimalist packs/ frames. I was eyeing their ultralight frame (1/16 frame sheet) over the weekend and come Monday it was removed from their website? No idea if they are planning on replacing it with another frame or just doing away with it.
  17. Anozira

    WTS Kifaru Items

    I'll take the medium belt pouch in Xpac.
  18. Anozira

    Sold NEMO Argali 15* Sleeping Bag - Long

    I have one I'd sell. PM Sent.
  19. Anozira

    Hawaii axis deer info

    Subscribed. Hawaii axis deer is on my bucket list.