Thanks for all the advice. Very appreciated. I will look into the 2216's and 2219's. When I was bowhunting back in the mid 1990's I had a PSE compound bow. I never knew about the spines and cutting arrows to a certain length. I just bought some arrows and tried my best to sight them in. I...
I appreciate all the advice from everyone. I believe for now I'm going to stick with aluminum arrows. I was looking at the Easton XX75 Gamegetter arrows in a 340 spine. The only thing I am wondering about is the arrow diameter being too big for the medium size whisker biscuit I have. On the...
I am getting back into bow hunting after many years in retirement. I would like some advice on aluminum arrows. I have experience with carbon shafts from shooting the crossbow I bought last year. I know that carbon is the way to go. My only problem with carbon is that they can be quite...