Search results

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    WTS Knives - BUCK, Benchmade, and Spyderco

    Standard drop point; NON serrated This one with Orange Handle.
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    WTS Knives - BUCK, Benchmade, and Spyderco

    551 Grip. Orange s30v
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    WTS Knives - BUCK, Benchmade, and Spyderco

    Thank you, sir! I wheel and deal if somebody wants more than one. I’d sell the whole lot for $400+ the ride.
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    WTS Knives - BUCK, Benchmade, and Spyderco

    Looking to raise funds for a Glock. Below is on the chopping block. All prices are shipped. Payment via Zelle or USPS MO. I haven’t messed with knives in a while, so if my prices are out of line, let’s talk. $150 - sold BM Altitude ORG. Blade just came back from Spa day, so it’s factory...
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    The Hobbit Rifle

    Saw this pop up on 24hr. Might help someone?
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    The Hobbit Rifle

    I just gave up. I just found out I’m having a boy. I might just put together a Tikka on folding chassis
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    Best hunting knife

    MagnaCut is looking to be the answer to all the above now, esp since it surprisingly performed so well with corrosion resistance.
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    WTB WTB- 300 Savage Factory Ammo

    Just called and they’re out. I’ll stop by next time my wife goes to the midwife. It’s on the way. If I find anything in the near future, I’ll let you know.
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    WTB WTB- 300 Savage Factory Ammo

    Next time I’m up that way, I’ll check it out.
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    WTB WTB- 300 Savage Factory Ammo

    If you’re in a bind and can’t find any, shoot me a PM. There’s a store not too far from me that has everything imaginable last time I was in.
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    Sold Unfired Tikka 223 Bolt

    Any trades?
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    WTS Tikka Take off barrels

    Need any trades on the .223?
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    WTS Benchmade Altitude

    Cant comment on availability, but these are S90V steel.
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    Best hunting knife

    I picked up a BM altitude to try out, but I have no need for it. PM me if you want to try it out. I just got it back from life-sharp Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    6.5 PRC 147 eld ammo $40.50/box

    That is Rural King (the big farm and fleet store). RKguns is their spin off for guns/ammo/etc. I wouldn’t be concerned. But, to directly answer you question, I have not ordered online. I have shipped in their brick and mortars.
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    6.5 PRC 147 eld ammo $40.50/box

    Saw these at RKguns