Looking to raise funds for a Glock. Below is on the chopping block. All prices are shipped. Payment via Zelle or USPS MO. I haven’t messed with knives in a while, so if my prices are out of line, let’s talk.
$150 - sold
BM Altitude ORG. Blade just came back from Spa day, so it’s factory...
Saw this pop up on 24hr. Might help someone?
Just called and they’re out. I’ll stop by next time my wife goes to the midwife. It’s on the way. If I find anything in the near future, I’ll let you know.
I picked up a BM altitude to try out, but I have no need for it.
PM me if you want to try it out. I just got it back from life-sharp
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That is Rural King (the big farm and fleet store). RKguns is their spin off for guns/ammo/etc. I wouldn’t be concerned.
But, to directly answer you question, I have not ordered online. I have shipped in their brick and mortars.