I had my 300WSM cut to 22" with a thread adapter. Used the same hand load with stock barrel and equal accuracy. I've since sold the 300, just because I no longer see the need for a 300 magnum.
They have figured it out. It mostly boils down to lack of winter range, which is primarily on private land. Then you throw in all the cougars and bears, and it's a receipt for massive herd decline.
I'm in the same boat as you, except I'm going 7mm. I have brass for the 7SAUM and 280AI. My concern is feeding a short action cartridge out of a long action. Should talk to a smith but I haven't yet.
I received my 78 .270 34 years ago. Have used it on multiple deer and a couple of bear.
I'm not a fan of the all copper for deer. There's real no need for a deep driving bullet that does not expand wide on such a softly built animal. My son shot his first deer with a 260 using the 120 TTSX. Made a good hit just before dark and the deer took off. We didn't find her until the next...
I don't know where your planning to hunt, but if I was starting from scratch, I'd focus on the North Central part of the state. At least up there you'll see deer. I've spent lots of days hunting the Blues without even seeing a deer.
What are you guys using for a case for the ATC? I'd probably just go without, but the rubber cover on the eye piece wont stay on while in my backpack. I won't pay the $300 for the Swaro Stay on Case.
Just dont buy a Ruger American. They're accurate rifles, but feel cheap. I just swapped Tikka rifles with another guy for a cartridge I already own in the RA, just so I can get a nicer rifle.
We have a 12x14. Works great for 2, 3 is ok. I have slept the family of 4 for the weekend before and it works. I also have the poly fly and porch area. This year, now that I'm by myself and have a enclosed trailer, I will not be putting up the porch. I'll do all my cooking, mostly reheating...