150 lb. boar absorbed 7 rounds from my 9mm while charging me from 40 yards before dropping at my feet. The one right behind him turned away at the last minute or I'd be replying now with voice to text or a ouija board. :-) I'm all bout the 10mm while boar hunting now.
I've carried my bird dog...
Hunted spring bear in Alberta a few years ago. When I asked about the meat, the outfitters showed me the boneyard. Not even the ravens eat spring bear up there. I took the rug.
5 whitetail deer a year for 5 years with 150 gr TTSX from a .308. 2 ran maybe 40 yards dripping blood all the way. All recovered. Very little lost meat.
Don’t know about these places, but many places are using Surrogators now. Technically not wild birds, but they behave and fly differently than pen raised birds.
Chicks are placed in the Surrogator in the field at 1 day old. They grow up outside. Sadly, only 1-3% survive the year, but a healthy...