Anyone have a momarsh invisilab dog blind they would let go for the right price?
Looking to buy one here soon but have no problem purchasing a used one and saving a few bucks. Hoping someone on here has one they don’t use.
Originally from eastern iowa and have hunted SD and IA both.. private and public over the years. SD public is fun and definitely worth the trip. My advice would be think and plan and scout.. set your dog up for success. Example: think about how most people have been entering the public and do it...
Did you end up applying for 128 for this fall? A friend of mine has max points and he did. Hard to believe it's still about 5% chance with 15 points...
How’d your hunt go a few years ago? Staying toward the mountains or even in the foothills sounded more appealing to me too but not married to anything, good to hear you didn’t run into too many other hunters.
I’ll enjoy the hunt a lot if I can see a lot of deer. Thanks for the info
Thanks for the info. I'm excited for the challenge.
I'm trying to get my work scheduled figured out to see if I'll have time for a scouting trip. Good advice though thanks.
Have you gone? How was your hunt?
I live in central WY, grew up in IA hunting easterns. I second the merriams not being as weary as easterns, it is pretty odd hunting easterns my whole life. Lots of turkeys in the area but as stated before, roost trees and water. Do a lot of scouting online...