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    Thinking I was over run with hunters but figuring out during the third encounter it was actually a Herd bull and his cows. To be fair the elk I’d encountered up to that point had been very quiet and things hadn’t fired up yet. Also he did a series of bugles that sound 100% hunter and was coming...
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    Things to see and do in SW Montana

    We camped at the forest service campground and day hiked back to mystic lake several years ago, very cool area.
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    Things to see and do in SW Montana

    We ended up spending a week around West Yellowstone after the big storm in ‘22 and it was perfect, about half the people you normally see in that area. We also spent a week around the Madison valley and Virginia city. We spent a few days around the crazy mountains at the beginning of the trip as...
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    Get your business in order

    We’ve been going though this with my Mom. Thankfully she was organized, we had everything place, and we’re all on the same page. The biggest issue at the moment is dealing with Verizon to get her phone canceled. My blood pressure will go up trying to elaborate further. but make sure the...
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    A Skunk Adventure. Now, what's next?

    My uncle was involved in skinning a quantity of skunks that resulted in a small town banning the practice within city limits. Alas I've never participated in the exercise and haven't watched any youtube videos so I'm not certified. I'd be surprised if you couldn't accomplish the task with a vise...
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    A Skunk Adventure. Now, what's next?

    What he said. As someone who's family legacy is steeped in "skunk adventures", I admire the drive, but question the best case scenario here. If you haven't vacated its scent glands inadvertently at this point, I'd count that as a win and ditch the carcass far enough away from your domicile that...
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    New Meateater - Has Steve Gone Too Far???

    I feel like this thread could be Meateater gorilla marketing. Pay somebody with a little ‘slide street cred to make a vague post with a bunch of memes to make anyone that’s not a regular listener question what’s going on. This would lead said individual to do some googling to figure out if there...
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    Management vs. Trades and Labor questions

    I started out my career in construction management and have had the opportunity to observe both sides of the coin. In my mind the biggest question is “do you want the job”. I’ve seen a lot of trades guys take positions like this because of the money and the title, not because they wanted to be...
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    Any 12 hour night shift workers?

    In my old job I was on call for nights plowing snow seasonally. Once a storm rolled through we might be on midnight to 8 am for 4-5 days. I did that for 11 years, in my younger days it was no big deal but the last 2-3 years it was turning into a struggle. We’d get a call at 2am for initial work...
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    How to prevent false triggers on trail cam?

    The previously mentioned steps are 2 of the bigger things. Some cameras fail as well, I’ve got 2-3 brownings out of 30 that once triggered will continue taking pictures as long as they feel like it.
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    Facing hate as a NR? Just let them know

    In MN we call them Iowa fish finders
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    Vehicle insurance claim

    You meant to say 2 weeks ago right?
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    Facing hate as a NR? Just let them know

    Hunting out west I've run into Residents that would give you the shirt off their back. The only guys I've run into that were kind of D-bags were from my home state, MN.
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    Even The Wall Street Journal is Covering Elk Shed Hunting!

    I think its been a bigger deal for decades than most of you guys realize. Guys were sneaking into the park years ago. There’s at least one missing persons case in The Absarokas that likely came down to a beef between pickers. If you truly wanted to crash the market, banning antler dog chews...
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    Vehicles, you can fix?

    Gmt800 chassis vehicles. There are a half dozen common maintenance items to do them, but if you can start with a solid example and keep the rust at bay they’re pretty simple, reliable, and tons of parts options.
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    Outdoor Wood Boiler Heating System

    If you plan to heat a large outbuilding and a dwelling from the same unit, you have access to cheap/free wood, and your time is worth nothing, it can have its place. Generally if you’re putting in a new unit to heat 1 building and you are gainfully employed, it’s pure lunacy. Not only are you...
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    New Trucks....

    Just watched a YouTube video on a new f150 XL trim truck, it was being billed as the last of the “simple” trucks. It still looked like it still had every lane assist and proximity sensor you could get on it, as well as proximity parking sensors so you knew if you could open your door. The guy...
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    Have any of you thought who gets your stuff. Or do they even want it

    As my brother likes to say after a few of these situations “Not every kid deserves a trophy”. Be careful what gets left to whom. Once a loser generally always a loser. There’s a 4th generation 30-30 that was given to my youngest uncle, it was a Winchester cowboy commemorative with a story and...
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    Anyone ever sell a car to Carvana or Carmax?

    After the dust settled the final offer came in $400 under the initial offer and its another $500 to have them pick it up. We've got the option of delivering it to their location but at the end of the day its not worth my time to spend half a day with 2 people to bring it to the metro. All in all...