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  1. N

    FNG from NC!

    Welcome from a fellow NCian.
  2. N

    Glass vs contacts while hunting and scouting

    I've never had a problem with contacts over glasses...until Wyoming this year. The wind dried my eyes out way faster than I expected. I had to toss that pair and wear glasses the second day of hunting. One thing that may have helped would have been daily contacts, but I don't think it would've...
  3. N

    NC FNG

    Welcome from another NC public land hunter. You hunt the big U?
  4. N

    Lets see your hunting/daily driver rig (Pics)

    '05 Camry. Made it to Wyoming and back as well as on plenty of hunt trips here.
  5. N

    What do you do with your venison?

    This year I didn't grind any of the three deer or the antelope I shot. If I would've killed another doe, I would've ground the whole thing for sausage. The way everything was cut this year was: Hams were divided into roasts except for one of the antelope hams which I kept whole and just brined...
  6. N

    Offseason gear upgrades

    Biggest gear upgrade will be my pack. Looking at a sawtooth 45 currently. I'm also going to hang up the bdus I've hunted in and get some actual hunting pants. I'm trying out the wrangler hiking pants right now. Will probably upgrade my base layer. The most important upgrade though will be...
  7. N

    New from NC

    Welcome. Another central NCian here.
  8. N

    Best wool socks for hunting?

    Guess I'll jump in on the thread resurrection. I like Bellview heavy weight wool socks that I get from the local surplus store. They're 80% wool and I wear them year round, even in the heat of summer in NC. I always couple them with Terramar silk liner socks and they do great. Best part is that...
  9. N

    Great pieces from non hunting brands

    My absolute favorite hunting shirt when I dont need camo (so basically any hunting except turkey hunting) is a banana republic 100% merino sweater I got dirt cheap on ebay.
  10. N

    Sausage/Venison Grind Ideas

    Get a copy of Charcuterie (Ruhlman & Polcyn) and just start trying different recipes. I'm sure there are other good books out there too, that's just the one I have and I've always heard recommended. I'm a big fan of the bratwurst and Italian sausage recipes in that book. The breakfast sausage is...
  11. N

    Late to the party BRO ELK

    They are partially responsible for me actually taking the dive to go West. I still haven't been elk hunting yet so my perspective is pretty limited. I do have a few thoughts about them though: 1) the first Land of the Free series was golden. It was a great eye opener for what's available on...
  12. N

    Narrowing down a pack

    That actually helps a lot. Knowing that there are frame differences will cause me to reevaluate some options. I had looked at the sawtooth previously and may return to it now. Thanks!
  13. N

    Narrowing down a pack

    Thanks for the offer, I'm about a 20 hour drive from you though.
  14. N

    Narrowing down a pack

    Which frame is the old frame? I've seen NICE floating around, I assume that's it? Is there a frame newer than the guide lite?
  15. N

    Narrowing down a pack

    I know I'm not treading new ground here, but I'm just looking for some honest input. Some information about my hunting needs: my primary hunting is public land whitetails here in NC. I've made do for the last couple years with a molle frame and straps/belt with an assault pack strapped to it...
  16. N

    Tasco cams worth buying?

    If you want a nice looking shot of the animal, the tasco cams won't help very much. I've got occasional good pictures and some good video, but I mainly use them for public land so that it doesn't hurt as bad when they get stolen. I usually use them just to figure out how frequently deer are...
  17. N

    New Guy from NC

    Hello everyone. Grew up and still live in central NC. I was around hunting most of my life but didn't really start until college. I've spent the last few years hunting public land here and have enjoyed the process. Went antelope hunting back in October and had a blast. Looking forward to the...