I don't think that's going to work well. The problem is going to be feed lip width as well as shoulder location. On my 3.56" mags I bent the feed lips to 0.475" which works well for my 284 Win and seems to be good for 7mm RM. But that's way too wide for 6.5 CM. In addition the mag crimp that...
Barrel #2 here is ~21" but really heavy contour (not mine): https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/various-tikka-barrels-and-muzzle-brakes.7180881/
I've got a few of these for sale, brand new in packaging. Medium length, FDE. Looking for $135 shipped OBO each PP net fees.
Innorel / Articise tripod have been great for me. The CT70C I can shoot off standing, and it holds my heavy match gun no problem. Total weight with ball head is under 5 lb.
Since you don't care about standing, you can save a pound and use the CT75C.
Fixed the FOV numbers now, thanks Beetroot.
Multiplying the max FOV by min mag gave almost the same constant as the min FOV times max mag, differences due to tunneling I assume. So my 5x are base on the max FOV constant and 12 on the minimum (and therefore may somewhat underestimate FOV for the...
I'm glad I'm not the only one nerding out about specs! Not sure if it's the correct way to do it, but I just linearly interpolated between Min and Max FOVs (and it looks like my formulas for the ones you mentioned are consistent with the others). Edit: I'll recalculate by dividing by...
LRHS2 or Tenmile 3-18 FFP sound like what you're looking for. I had the same question last year but wanted illumination, and went with the LHRSi, it was great. Haven't looked through an LRHS2, so can't speak to the glass improvement.
The Razor 4.5-22 is nice and I used a friend's out to 300...