Search results

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    Sold FL wick hoody 150 Aerowool - Dry Earth - Large

    Purchased on here a month ago but not a huge fan of the hoody on a base layer. Great condition, only worn once around the house. Will post pictures later. $80 TYD. Will trade for a QZ in Fusion or Dry Earth, or a Fusion Klamath (I'll add in some $$ for the Klamath).
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    WTS 2 - First Lite Wick QZ Large

    I'll take the conifer. PM coming
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    WTS Kuiu Icon Pro Pack w/2 Bags

    Are you selling the 3200 by itself? Price?
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    Sold Slumberjack Deadfall 65 backpack

    I’ll take it if still available.
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    Sold Slumberjack Deadfall 65 backpack

    Any strap or harness issues?
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    WTB First Lite Stormlight - Fusion or Solid - Large

    Looking to buy a FL stormlight jacket in large.
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    WTS First lite and kuiu

    I’ll take the wick hoody
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    WTB First Light Pants - Medium Tall - Solid Color

    Looking for either Obsidian or Corrugated pants in conifer or dry earth color. Medium Tall. Thanks.
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    WTS FS Easton Axis .300 Realtree Xtra shafts

    Did these ever sell?
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    WTT First Lite SEAK Stormtight in Fusion - Large

    Is this sold? Price?
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    WTB First Light Uncompahgre - Conifer (medium)

    Looking for a deal on a medium Uncompahgre. Please pm me if you have one you are looking to sell.
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    Hunting Stabilizer

    Not a whole lot. Only a two or three times. Got it mid-January. So far I like it with only one weight on the front and I shoot best with it around 20" extended.
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    pm sent
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    WTS FL catalyst jacket

    PM sent
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    WTS First Lite Uncompahgre Jacket Dry Earth

    I’m guessing this sold a while ago?
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    first lite vs kuiu pants

    It looks like I will be going with the attacks. Thanks for the info everyone
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    Oklahoma Buck...w/ a few bonuses

    Heck of a deer. Congrats.
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    fl sanctuary or Sitka fanatic

    After reading way too many threads on this, it seems like you can't really go wrong with either.