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  1. D.Rose

    ILF Limb Options

    I am currently shooting a set of WNS Delta C5 carbon foam mediums and they seem great for the money. I have no real reasons to change I just haven't ever had the chance to try a set of long limbs.
  2. D.Rose

    ILF Limb Options

    What is a good affordable alternative to the TradTech Black Max limbs? I'd like to get a set of longs for my 19" Satori and they're basically non existent any more. I have been looking at the Das 3K's and they seem to be good for the money. Would it be worth it to go with carbon foam or is there...
  3. D.Rose

    What’s your CC ?

    Springfield Hellcat Pro for the most part and Shield 2.0 every now and then.
  4. D.Rose

    Oklahoma Hunting

    Probably planning to be out there for 7-10 days so I am sure we will hit a ton of diff public areas. I have alot of diff spots marked on ONX but unless you have ever spent time in the area it's hard to say what will or will not hold deer from a map. So I am wondering what cover, terrain, and...
  5. D.Rose

    Oklahoma Hunting

    Yes I have read every word on the Oklahoma website. One of the best informational state wildlife pages I have ever looked at. I have a first cousin that is a hardcore sasquatcher so I am well versed on that aspect lol. So I am way more interested in the meat aspect of the hunt rather than...
  6. D.Rose

    Oklahoma Hunting

    Coal country of Southeast Kentucky. Mostly hunt Daniel Boone National Forest or a lot of the coal company land that's recently been turned in to public access.
  7. D.Rose

    Oklahoma Hunting

    Probably stick to the eastern half of the state but I never set anything in stone on a trip. For now the Southeast portion has my attention just because I really enjoy hunting terrains and topo features. I like the looks of the brushy ridges but I really don't know what it takes to hold deer in...
  8. D.Rose

    Oklahoma Hunting

    Planning a trip to hunt second week of November and looking for some general information on public land in Oklahoma. I figure that time frame there will be quite a bit of pressure but that's expected. I hunt low deer densities where I live so I mainly just want to see deer. Pretty much just...
  9. D.Rose

    Short quotes that speak volumes.

    "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"
  10. D.Rose

    2000 head

    Here is a very good explanation of the cattle losses.
  11. D.Rose

    Has there been a situation where your EDC weapon has saved you?

    Excellent reaponses! Very valuable information in these experiences you all have shared!
  12. D.Rose

    Has there been a situation where your EDC weapon has saved you?

    I have been putting a lot of thought in to my carry gun and knife lately and it has got me thinking... Has your carry weapon of choice, whether that be a knife or gun ever saved you from a situation? And did you make any gear adjustments after the fact?
  13. D.Rose

    Saddle hunters?

    I'm 6'2 and 195 pounds. It is possible to find saddle hunting very comfortable. That being said I found it more of a complex venture than I anticipated when I started. It did take me trying about 4 different brands and models to find one that really fit me. Once I found THE saddle I think it's...
  14. D.Rose

    Crispi Insulated vs Uninsulated

    Yes I have done that in very cold temps. Just not sure how much difference the 200gr insulation would be vs no insulation.
  15. D.Rose

    Crispi Insulated vs Uninsulated

    Looking for an all around boot for the hills of Eastern Ky. I have very narrow heels and have seen people with that type feet have good luck with the Crispi Briskdale. So would I be better off going with the insulated vs non insulated with plans on treestand hunting? I put a lot of miles on my...
  16. D.Rose

    Are we headed for another 2008?

    The total cost and months of court visits are a big hinderance. A close friend of mine just adopted and it cost him over $27K. I am a live and let live kind of guy but I don't understand why the government has to make the adoption system so overly complex when abortions and all that are so...
  17. D.Rose

    Recommend me a zero turn mower

    Ended up with a Scag Tiger Cat 2 with the Yamaha MX825. This is the first year they've came out with that engine but from my experience with everything Yamaha it should be pretty solid. Very happy with the mower and hope for many years of dependable use.
  18. D.Rose

    Tuning Question

    I have tried all different brace heights from 7 1/8 all the way to the recommended 7 3/4 by adjusting in 1/8" increments. I have a bow square somewhere I'll have to dig around and find it. I am use to just eyeballing and adjusting to what feels and works the best. So using that process with this...
  19. D.Rose

    Tuning Question

    What exactly would cause a recurve to come out of the bow nock high? Contact, high nocking point, or weak spine?
  20. D.Rose

    Recommend me a zero turn mower

    Like to stay around $8K-$9K if possible.