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  1. aggieland

    Moving to Colorado

    Houston man I would just cut my wrist if that happened..
  2. aggieland

    Moving to Colorado

    In Colorado I would probably choose Pagosa Springs.. Montana would be Whitefish or Bozeman. Not sure in Iaho or Wyoming but probably Sheridan..
  3. aggieland

    NM Bighorn sheep hunt 2019

    110% Awesomeness!!!
  4. aggieland

    Has anyone visited London?

    Yeah, something tells me that I might get the Bobbet if I tried to pull that off.
  5. aggieland

    Has anyone visited London?

    Sounds like she has decided to back out of the trip. We have kids 9 & 10 yrs old so leaving them here and traveling across the ocean made her decide to pass up the chance for now.
  6. aggieland

    Has anyone visited London?

    Wife wants to go the end of March.. A friend of mine who is much more well off financially than I am invited me on a stag hunt In New Zeland with him and his Father. Hotels and airfare paid but it looks like I will be seeing the streets of London instead of the mountains. Happy wife I suppose...
  7. aggieland

    Has anyone visited London?

    I'm sure I will go but I already told her I'm am not interested in New York in the least. Afraid London will be the same. If I'm spending $ I want mountains and low population.
  8. aggieland

    Has anyone visited London?

    My wife is begging me to visit London with her mother and step father. He was raised in London, I honestly have 0% interest in going to a large city especially overseas while my kids are here. I'm not the type to worry about if something could happen but when is the **** going down. So, has...
  9. aggieland

    Why are bears different colors?

    Thread of the year type information in my book. Loved it, Sir.
  10. aggieland

    Wild Horses Overpopulated in Nevada

    I wouldn't mind "adopting " one or two here on my place. I love my mules but honestly I am not skilled enough to break and train a wild horse. Afraid they would just be a huge problem. But maybe I'm wrong.
  11. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    They had been rolling after a brief rain. Got nice and dirty. Better pic from Colorado hunt.
  12. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    And my other two spoiled boys.
  13. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    Well, just an update. Due to time and financial limits I ended up buying a used Tucker plantation saddle. Probably not what most folks would consider when buying a saddle but I'm going to give it a shot. Still learning as I move along in the equine world so hopefully I made a decent decision...
  14. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    I have a trail lite saddle from Steve Edward's. I would say it's an ok saddle, Nothing fancy but it works ok. Not super comfortable but also not as bad as the old saddle we borrowed from a friend.
  15. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    I'm in Texas this mule has great withers and is narrow built. I am not sure if I want something super expensive but I'm also a buy once cry once type of person. So I am open to any ideas.
  16. aggieland

    Saddle suggestions..

    Got me another good mule the other day. Wanting suggestions on what saddle brands you folks would suggest. Mostly interested in comfort to be honest and of course fit. What have you had luck with. Thanks.
  17. aggieland

    How sharp does a broadhead need to be?

    I'm pretty sure a sharper cut will not clot as fast as a more dull cut. Seems like I learned that in the medical field, have to do some research.
  18. aggieland

    Microdiameter Arrows Rattling Around

    I bought black o-rings made for plumbing etc and they work great for my victory vap shafts EFA quiver. Also I just bought another EFA (eagle flight archery) quiver and they sent me some small o-rings that will probably work grest. Have not tried these yet.
  19. aggieland

    The age old broadhead delima

    See if this works.
  20. aggieland

    The age old broadhead delima

    I know everyone has their opinion but for me these are the ticket.