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  1. D

    Mule Deer Collection

    Nice Matt!!! You've earned every one of them for sure!
  2. D

    Lets see your 2011 Pronghorns

    How do you post a pic if it is stored in a program like Picasa?
  3. D

    Bow Poundage

    I shoot my Z7 and Alphamax both at 72#
  4. D

    7 Pin Slider

    Thanks guys! Your descriptions line up with scenarios I have played through my head many times. Now, to see if I can make the change?
  5. D

    7 Pin Slider

    Evan, Aaron, David and others using sliders: I have been using the 7 pin Spot Hogg for several seasons now but intrigued by the idea of a fixed/slider combo. In your experience, after ranging the animal, how long does it take to make the adjustment to your sight prior to taking the shot? Any...
  6. D

    What's More Important to you?

    Nice buck Juan_ID! Thanks for sharing
  7. D

    Mule Deer vs Elk

    Forget about Mule Deer? Not a chance for me! I purchase an elk tag (donation to Fish and Wildlife) every year but spend all my time scouting and scheming to find a big velvet muley! Even after I'm tagged out, I find myself glassing for bucks with my partners with that elk tag securely tucked...
  8. D

    What's More Important to you?

    Is all 3 too much to ask???? 1. Mass 2. Width 3. Height