Search results

  1. Arrowslinger

    Getting started with black bear

    This is THE best bear advice you will ever find. Period.
  2. Arrowslinger

    WTB Sitka subalpine items, size L

    I have the light weight hoodie, new with tags & still in bag. $105 and I’ll ship.
  3. Arrowslinger

    Superfeet Hunt

    I will break a pair of green or orange SF in a season, my hunts are on year 3 and still going strong.
  4. Arrowslinger

    Bosque Del Oso?

    What he said about steamboat and the areas around it. Have seen up to 8 in a day during second season.
  5. Arrowslinger

    California Deer Draw Odds

    What do you need help with? That file is a mess, find last years booklet which summarizes things up a bit better. Should be available on the DFW website.
  6. Arrowslinger

    So long TV, Hello Amazon

    Perfect timing, just cancelled my Direct TV sub.
  7. Arrowslinger

    Wolf Killer?

    He had 4 before he shot two dogs, now there are 16,996 people anxiously waiting for him to do something stupid again.
  8. Arrowslinger

    CA Blacktails

    Those are great Blacktails from some rugged public land. Congrats!!!
  9. Arrowslinger

    Kifaru Mountain Warrior - Brand New

    No interest in the bag, but good to see your still around Doug.
  10. Arrowslinger

    FNG From North CA

    Welcome! I’m just down the hill from ya.
  11. Arrowslinger

    Garmin Fenix - Post your tips and tricks

    I have the 3 but sell numerous 5’s at my store. I use the GPS on hike for day hunts as it’s creates a route and will put it in ultra trac mode for over nighters as it extendeds the battery life to 50’ish hours.
  12. Arrowslinger

    GPS Watches

    Garmin hands down, Fenix 5
  13. Arrowslinger

    cA Black Bear Hibernation

    I was up in D3 Sunday below snow line. Didn’t see any bear sign but they’re out. Find oaks and you should find bears.
  14. Arrowslinger

    10x42 recommendations

    Another Swaro SLC guy here with zero regrets.
  15. Arrowslinger

    Adventure of a Lifetime

    Be thankful you were able to experience that with your father. Great hunt and post up more pics!!
  16. Arrowslinger

    I need some input on Gaiters

    Excaliber, I’m 16”/11 boot and went large. Fit is perfect.
  17. Arrowslinger

    I need some input on Gaiters

    I have the kenetreck, OR, and a handful of others. The Kuiu gaiter is my favorite due to function, fit and waterproofness.
  18. Arrowslinger

    Trinity County Non-Typical Blacktail

    Congrats! What’s he score??
  19. Arrowslinger

    Dirty spork

    Use dirt, then rinse.
  20. Arrowslinger

    2017 CA blacktails

    Solid bucks, congrats!!!