Really interesting building technics in this guys video series, I’m seriously considering insulating the outside of the house (blanket method) in our upcoming build.
He covers spray foam in a bunch of videos but there is more than one way to accomplish your scenario
Up to 90% savings on energy...
Someone needs to figure out why there is a huge decrease in sperm count and all the low -T levels issues among young men. Call me skeptical but when globalist are openly calling for population reductions and we keep hearing about the issues I just mentioned. I’m going to assume there’s a...
I would look at one of the composite bed ones, that thing is going to sound like a parade and likely won’t last long. Tractor trailer supply has different options
30 or so years ago that was the only way I did deer. In my mind I was draining the blood, I would leave anywhere from a couple days to a week. Nothing wrong with the taste or anything else, as another poster mentioned it made the meat pink instead of red.
I see this on other forums, not so much here, but how do you jump in and start chatting like you’re part of a conversation that took place over 10 years ago?
The whole system is a mess, most hunts have barely 2 days to hunt, during covid they did away with the orientation a couple years ago we drew a national wildlife refuge hunt. These hunts require you to buy an additional permit before they will let you finish applying.
So we have 20 year...
Can any of the guys in Colorado verify or debunk the digital ID portion of this article?