If your investing and saving hard earned money for the future and you cant afford to lose it. Buy and STUDY bitcoin only. Please. This is not financial advice.
MountainTracker, it is crazy what is unfolding right before our eyes. I remember 2 deer seasons ago it was $16.5k. Last deer season was 38k. And now here we are.
Bitcoin has fundamentals. It's the hardest asset, best money there is. There is states, nations, and the united states filing paper work and pushing hard for strategic bitcoin reserves now. Pensions, corporations and billionaires are buying it up. Wallstreet etfs, Larry Fink and blackrock are...
I definitely don't have enough microstrategy stock! Mstr will be the best preforming stock for years to come. If your buying stocks for 3 to 20 years down the road, is there any reason to buy anything other than tsla and mstr? Am I missing something? I'm looking through my bitcoin maximalist...