No, still ridiculous. Are you really saying you've never fallen while hunting?!?!? And the only people who do are people who are out of shape and unsafe with rifles?!?! Cmon man!!! Take the L, get some help removing your foot from your mouth and move on!!!
So carrying your rifle strapped to your pack to keep your hands free is wrong??! Doesnt get much safer than muzzle pointed straight up in the air with no hands anywhere near the trigger. Still waiting to hear how basic gun safety increases footing?
Break a product? Recreating very realistic potential field conditions and riding in a truck is trying to break it?!?! Nah, try again. If they were trying to break them they would drive over them with a truck!!
I knew a guy who would shoot for the femoral, one time he did fully expecting and anticipating a kill but it didn't happen. Clealry the bullet failed to create a large enough wound channel to hit the femoral despite the shot selection or actual bullet placement. The only explanation is an...
I see the drop topic come up often with people saying, "Im careful and dont plan on dropping my gun". Does anyone know anybody, who outside of a test, has purposely dropped their rifle on a hunt?
That’s a great question. Probably because I’m a little old and tech and I sometimes get along and sometimes we don’t.
Hmmmm…is that a connection with leupold?
No but comments like that scream Troll!!!