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  1. Manosteel

    Montana Shiras

    Great story, Congrats on the moose!
  2. Manosteel

    Which Kifaru for easy load sling, on DT frame.

    ^^^ yup that one little trick took me a good year to figure out hahaha
  3. Manosteel

    Kifaru Center Zip

    Just saw the video on Gritty Bowmen, this sure looks like the pack I having bugging Aron to make :D I will be scooping one of these up come November.
  4. Manosteel

    Pack Selection for Swamp Donkey

    The kifaru frame will easily handle a moose quarter. It will load more than you can handle. Just google some kifaru frame pics, you will see some pretty incredible loads being carried out. Every year I load out elk and moose with me. Couldn't be happier.
  5. Manosteel

    Kifaru Center Zip

    Yup center zip is awesome. It's great for getting gear out and packing in meat is a breeze. Now if the new bag comes with long side pockets similar to the T1 and T2 that would peak my Interest.
  6. Manosteel

    A public THANK YOU to Realunlucky and his BIL!!!

    That's great to hear stories like this! Congrats on the bull and 😃👍 realunlucky
  7. Manosteel

    Where do I even start with gear?

    Get good boots and pack first. They have the biggest impact on the experience you will get out of the hunt, gear wise. AS others said, look out for deals. You can pick up an Kifaru Bikini frame for around 200ish if you keep and eye out, pick up a grabit it and guide lid, throw on a 80 liter dry...
  8. Manosteel

    First bull down.

    Congrats! Great job!
  9. Manosteel

    Savage 16 Light Weight Hunter

    My brother has shoot 4 moose and 5 elk with his Savage Lightwieght Hunter in 7-08 the last six seasons. 2 of the elk were monsters and one of them was shot just shy of 340 yards. He uses Hornady Superperformance 139 GMX. He loves his gun and has no plans of changing it up.
  10. Manosteel

    Backpack Setup for Newby

    I remember seeing a thread a few years back that talked about setting up a backcountry backpack hunter on a Budget. It was a great thread to totally up your allie.
  11. Manosteel

    Testing the Stone Glacier Sky Talus 6900

    Great review, totally agree on the Kifaru frme being the bench mark but with that said I have always like the looks ND layout of the SG bags. To bad they don't match up to the Kifaru frame better.
  12. Manosteel

    Pack Build-Along, Frame and All

    That is ridiculously good work for a diy Project!
  13. Manosteel

    Havalon Evolve

    Thanks and dam! that thing looks sweet.
  14. Manosteel

    Havalon Evolve

    bump.. anyone have a weight on this this yet?
  15. Manosteel

    Under Armor Hunting Drops Bowmars

    Couldn't agree more with the statements about the Bowmars on Gritty Bowman not helping their cause. I also suffered through the whole podcast and ended up feeling cheated and losing IQ's points. Josh came off as childish, unaccountable and spent the whole time trying to justify a stupid self-act...
  16. Manosteel

    DIY Tipi Tested and Proven

    Wow! Great work, very impressive
  17. Manosteel


    how dose it work with a full size pack for 5+ day hunt. is the pack to big to get the bow on and off. the only vides they show are with pack empty or near empty.
  18. Manosteel

    Pack Build-Along, Frame and All

  19. Manosteel

    So what do we all think of this?

    I have hunted my whole life, as my father, grandfather and great grandfather did before me. I am also a business owner and I would not want to be associated with this guy. Plain and simple tipsntails nailed it with his last 2 posts.
  20. Manosteel

    So what do we all think of this?

    My thoughts exactly. The guy comes off as a GOOF! Clearly an attention seeker. Not good for hunting.