Search results

  1. Vanstepm

    WTB WTB kifaru xpac guide lid and RG Lost park parka

    Looking for the kifaru regular guide lid is xpac material as well as the LP Parka in large ranger green. Thanks.
  2. Vanstepm

    WTS/WTT Kifaru dall

    Bump for a great pack. If I didn’t have my muskeg I’d be all over this
  3. Vanstepm

    Sold Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 pack for sale

    Ttt price drop 250
  4. Vanstepm

    Sold Like New Kifaru 44 Mag, Duplex Lite Frame with a ton of extras

    If anything changes let me know. Best of luck
  5. Vanstepm

    Sold Eberlestock Gunslinger 2 pack for sale

    Let’s try 250.