Have always been a hunter but elk started late. I was working a summer job in Oregon and came face to face with a big ol bull on a trail run. That was it for me.
Thinking back to last year, and ahead to next. Got to a pretty unique area last year with decent sign, and busted a few cows out of the area mid day. The first for me though was finding pretty huge strips of shed velvet! Anybody else ever encountered this? I've found sheds of course but never...
Also, beware when using TopRut to plan. I was checking it out as its now free with an OnX subscription. Their OTC unit map is wrong when comparing to the CPW map that cnelk posted above. Specifically central units.
Fellow twin cities guy as well. Your bowhunting experience should be much more pleasant. Guys here are generally less prone to hiking more than 1/4 mi from the truck
Something I'm trying to figure out is how big or small do I need to be looking for in an area to consistently hold elk. I know they'll travel miles if needed for food/water, yet the only spot I've found that's worthy of "honey hole" is maybe 40-80 acres with everything they need. When you all...
People make it seem like the elk will run miles away when pressure hits, and go way high or down low. Don't overlook the nasty stuff just lateral to the prime spots. Don't be discouraged by vehicles at your access point. Last year was my first year, tons of rigs where I parked, but everybody was...
I appreciate all of your replies, some really interesting points brought up. Perhaps encouraging that the boom in hunting popularity may ebb and flow, opening up some room for newcomers. I work in the fly-fishing industry, one of my concerns there as in hunting though is that as we lose...
I'm 24, was raised in the Midwest, and like most on here hunting is a part of my heritage and part of my very soul. But can it always be? Will my kids be able to say the same thing?
Let me get out ahead of this here. Yes, I'm a resident whitetail hunter in a state with too many deer. Yes, I am...
Take this with a grain of salt but 2022 was my first archery hunt. I had e-scouted spots 2-5 miles in for months and had a plan A-Z. Hiked in the afternoon before and dropped half a mile off the road to camp for the night before getting all the way in there. Took a 5x6 200 yards from my tent in...