I have crossfire II 3-9x40 on a .243. I’ve been shooting a few boxes through it lately getting it ready for rifle season and Haven’t had any issues with it. It was in the mid 20’s the past two
Mornings in PA and the scope didn’t have any fogging.
8 year old sons first deer! PA rifle season 2nd day in the evening. He put in a lot of time in the woods this year and was determined to get his first deer. 75 yards with .243. Buck wondered about 30 yards and he was able to watch him drop through the scope!
First deer! My 8 year old son was able to harvest this in PA with his .243!
75 yard shot. Went about 30 yards and He was able to watch him fall in the scope.
First deer! We were able to fill his first PA buck tag this evening around 3:30pm. Definitely the biggest spike I’ve ever seen. I had him on camera back in October but haven’t seen him since. Perfect 75 yard shot with the .243 and 100gr core lokts.
Good luck and stay safe to all the the PA hunters tomorrow morning for the opening day of rifle season. I shot a buck during archery but I’ll be taking my 8 year old son out tomorrow with his .243.
My 8 year old has little shooting experience and has no problem shooting his Rossi tuffy in .410. I put a cheap red dot on it for him and he asks frequently to shoot it. The 3” tss does kick pretty good for a kid tho.