I’ve never wanted something to pass more! Love the idea of the 4.5-18 for an affordable and light NRL hunter scope and the 2.5-10 on a couple truck guns! But I’ve got a feeling Leupold pulled a Leupold.
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Had many of each but have changed everything over to straight mainly for the reduced time to be on an animal after finding it with binos. I prefer straight for this vs angled that has been rotated sideways. Can’t count how many times I just missed video footage of an animal in an angled spotter...
Was really hoping for 6-7k without lid! Looks like a great bag for those who like a little more organization though!
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Jumped on the Garmin train. Selling my Magneto V3. Comes with factory container and all components. Has worked great, just like the size and ease of leaving a Garmin attached to the rifle. I'll post pictures when I find an amazon box I can ship this in.
$175 OBO (save 150 over new).
Where do the 110 Sierra Match King fall into your list as far as speed of upset? I have gone through a lot of this thread and have mainly found Sierra mentioned with regard to making the DTAC. I have a pile of 110’s on hand.
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17.2 oz for my SKLTN Ti and Proof build. I’ll get it all setup soon and bedded but initial reaction is great. I wanted light, negative comb, and vertical grip. If I could do a rail it was a bonus. The texture feels phenomenal.
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Tough spot for anyone looking to buy these days. First thing I'd try to do is get out of that vehicle and credit card debt. I wouldn't be looking at to buy a home until I had the CC to zero and a vehicle payment down to $300 or less a month if you can't buy an older used car/truck in cash. A...
They are still really loud under a covered range! I shot mine parallel to my truck and that alone made it way louder than normal. In an open setting (hunting situation) it's a big difference. Add in adrenalin, and I don't even hear it go off.