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  1. bow_dozer

    NHL Playoffs posts

    Battle for Alberta has been a heck of a series. McDavid is unreal. Came home and found the wife watching dvr'd games.. 🤘🤘
  2. bow_dozer

    Survey -

  3. bow_dozer

    Anyone rockin' a nut ruck?

    Sounds like a story.
  4. bow_dozer

    What’s Your Max Bow Range for Elk?

    Wont directly disagree with this statement however I did lose a bull @ 19 yards one year.... Talk about a kick to the ego.... Following years dead bulls @ 55 and 63, maybe I have inverse pin reactions..?
  5. bow_dozer

    How many prefer high shoulder shots?

    If I want to anchor an animal I will go high shoulder. I’d say it’s a situation by situation. Still shoot plenty broadside, behind shoulder. Have had nothing but positive results with high shoulder tho. Shooting VLD’s
  6. bow_dozer

    Good news for Ebiker users on public land.

    I get some very nice hand gestures as me and my 300 lope our way up the trail in the dark. To their credit, they have been walking uphill for 2+ hours...🤷‍♂️
  7. bow_dozer

    North idaho snopack pictures.

    I can hear the boost from here. We have had more storms the past two weeks than we have the past two months..
  8. bow_dozer

    Martha Williams is officially the worst

    After the second time reading op thread. I was scratching my head wondering when/why Martha Stewart is marking a statement like that…
  9. bow_dozer

    Official Montana 2022 draw thread!

    Not yet.
  10. bow_dozer

    Official Montana 2022 draw thread!

    I can see light at the end of the tunnel for you. Any year for you!
  11. bow_dozer

    Official Montana 2022 draw thread!

    11 bonus points, swing and miss.
  12. bow_dozer

    Official Montana 2022 draw thread!

    Bonus points.
  13. bow_dozer

    How much wildgame does your family eat?

    My wife and I (baby nursing). We go thru about 5-7 lbs/week. Between ground, steaks/roast and sausage. Also make up around 50 lbs of jerkey for the year. Thank the lord for elk B tags..
  14. bow_dozer

    Sold Leica 10x42 Ultravid HD Plus with Outdoorsman Stud

    Peeps must have burned thru their tax refunds already! Awesome glass and price.
  15. bow_dozer

    Montana Antelope Herd Status

    Montana has cut tag numbers drastically the past years. As others stated, what would have been a sure fire draw is now a doubtful without a couple bonus points. Went SE last year. Did a 300 mile loop one day and saw about 20 total. Ended up shooting a average buck, but was shocked with lack of...
  16. bow_dozer

    Crispi & schnees

    Ran Schnee’s granites for the past 7 years. I condition mine regularly. Have put a load of miles on them boots. On my 3rd pair currently
  17. bow_dozer

    Question for Montana Experts

    Archery you could draw some lesser LE. Great opportunity to hunt bulls on a general tag in both seasons. Id say if you want to hunt bulls this year, this is your opportunity.