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  1. K

    Can we legalize suppressors now?

    Well damn, I never read the definition, but it's there. Shows how the writer thought they were the devil...or like probably over 50% of the population now, think a suppressor makes a gunshot unable to be heard in the next apartment like in the movies.
  2. K

    Can we legalize suppressors now?

    Didn't forget it. It didn't effect me. I was paying for everyone at home and work's insurance already. I'd actually welcome legislation choking heath insurance providers tomorrow. I meant he did nothing on gun control issues.
  3. K

    Brittany Spaniel...

    Have you considered a Boykin Spaniel? My male fluctuates between 32 and 34 pounds. They aren't as good on upland birds as the old school pointers and English Setters I grew up walking behind and training 40-45 years ago, but nothing is. Boykins are good with other dogs and cats, and spectacular...
  4. K

    Can we legalize suppressors now?

    Obama had hus first 2 years to make big changes and he did nothing. Politicians do not want to fix their talking points.
  5. K

    Can we legalize suppressors now?

    Lord why would the person pushing the legislation be so stupid as to call them "silencers" when they are absolutely not?
  6. K

    Voter turnout

    I've said the same many times.
  7. K

    Voter turnout

    Congratulations if that makes you feel better. Open your eyes and ears and see what you learn. Maybe because Texas had high % of Hispanics for a loooong period of time, the race relations are better than here in South Carolina and North Carolina, but I see and hear it on a regular basis.
  8. K

    Voter turnout

    All you proved was that she isn't Obama and it's not 2012 anymore.
  9. K

    Voter turnout

    I live in the real world and talk to a diverse set of people every day confidentially, along with jury pools and many focus groups for jury trials.
  10. K

    Voter turnout

    Obama and Clinton are/were the least tied to race in there policies as anyone I have ever met. I actually voted for both, twice! I'd vote for Bill Clinton again if he could run again.
  11. K

    Voter turnout

    I'd rather see Gabbard as frontrunner
  12. K

    Voter turnout

    Because they saw the results of that choice?
  13. K

    Voter turnout

    It was a choice between 2. Sad there weren't better viable options. Shake things up seemed better than more of the same.
  14. K

    Voter turnout

    Amazing with the clown Pubs put forward for Governor.
  15. K

    Voter turnout

    Facts not racist opinion: in general blacks and Hispanics are not very fond of each other. Yesterday both NC and SC passed a state constitutional amendment to change "every citizen" can vote to "only a citizen" can vote. Guess someone thought that closed any potential loophole.
  16. K

    Voter turnout

    It would be nice to do away with the party system altogether
  17. K

    Advice needed - cold bore issue, maybe?

    Is he cleaning the bore after every outing? If so, stop! If not, check the tightness of action screws and scope mounts. Next mount a known good scope to try.
  18. K

    Ammo advice for 350 legend

    I've seen better expansion than he describes. I'd definitely want pass through on a legend. Unless it's used in a straight wall state, I'd just as soon use a 30-30
  19. K

    Smk for deer hunting?

    I think unpredictable expansion would be the correct description of a 168 smk from a 308. I've seen penciling, destruction and in between on neck shots. The lighter faster smk rounds seem to expand more predictably and make pretty decent game rounds.
  20. K

    Cat carcass - what would do this?

    Owls look seriously evil with their normally fluffy heads covered with blood from sticking their head inside a fresh carcass.