Honestly hunting is one of the more 'relatively' inexpensive hobbies. Boating, flying, racing cars (or anything really) can all get very expensive very quickly.
I guess I say that but I haven't spent 80k on a desert sheep hunt in Mexico, or 65k on a Stone hunt, or however much Africa hunts...
With the success of Melvin Forbes (NULA), and also the Barrett Fieldcraft - why isn’t this more popular? I can speak to a small sample size of both makers, and every single one I’ve either shot or seen shot is a laser.
Appreciate it brother. Austin Atkinson of Huntin Fool drew and killed a nice ram in unit 27 - FYI. Pretty good YouTube video out there on it. Austin will give you any relevant info he has (sheep hunted with him last year. Good dude).
Specialized Armament mk18 is my no. 1
Secondly would be a Geissele Super Duty 11.5”
both set up for a Surefire can.
not ultra modern in their designs, but they work.
Well I hope you drew that tag. That area is rugged and dry (at least up high). Hunted Mulies in 27-1 a couple times. Never saw sheep.
you have the tag that I really want! Congrats!
I guess I am part of the 'problem' as described in this thread. I have a decent amount of ammunition stored - primarily 5.56/9mm.
Question is, how much is enough? The dems are talking about taxing it, and probably will try, and possibly succeed. Which means prices we are accustomed to are...
Scheels had me when I received an email on Easter saying 'He is Risen.' I already liked them, but that pushed it over the top. They are what Cabelas was about 20 years ago, only better.
One last point - the rams in that area were difficult to judge at times (at least for me) due to the wide flaring genetics - the full curl aspect, at least. That being said, I think that type of flaring horn is my favorite! Good optics are a must!
Hey Buzz, Alaska was open last year. To the OP, I hunted that area, but with a different outfitter on a slightly different concession this past August.
Based on what I saw there are plenty of legal rams in the area. There is a fair amount of pressure around the more easily accessible air...