I'm in the camp of no church should be tax exempt. I would be ok with that money going to fund schools in general. I do not know if extra school security is the answer to all these shootings, what I do know as a former teacher is that many school districts are underfunded in my opinion.
My question would be how many teachers are there who actually want to/feel comortable carrying a gun.Where I'm from I'm guessing the number would be really low. I know this number would vary region to region
If isis had bombed a super market last week, and a school this week I'm sure your reaction would be different, but since this is a domestic act I guess its not that big of a deal. If the murder of our children doesn't make you emotional I'm not sure what would.
My dad left me a rolex sub. He died 20 years ago and I still catch myself looking at that watch on my wrist and thinking about the good times we had on a regular basis