I don’t care what other people do/use. My biggest issue is the lying, or purposeful omission of important details that goes on by people not just on this forum, but others as well. Steering people to buy something because it profits the poster happens a lot, whether anyone wants to admit it or...
I think this is where most of the disconnect lies. I also live/hunt out west, where everything is mostly wide open. For the last 10 years or so, OTC hunts have rarely provided shots under 250 yards. When one starts practicing shooting at longer ranges, scope limitations rear their ugly head.
It is arrogance to use faulty equipment, especially when stuff that works is being spoon fed to you.
I can guarantee you most people here including myself, have suffered scopes that lose zero. Being stubborn doesn’t do anyone any favors. I have 100% confidence in the equipment I use now, and...
If you are going to argue about something, it would be wise to actually know what you are arguing about. Being too lazy to read what these offers were/are is pretty sad.
There has been multiple offers for free scopes, trips, cash, as long as a Leupy passes the drop test. Nothing but chirping insects from the Leupold cheerleaders.
I find it very amusing that the best shooters, who own the best Leupolds, will not agree to simple tests that will net them cash, if it’s true what they claim.
When the excuses come out, it’s pretty easy to see who is full of Bovine scat.
I really don’t understand the fierce cheerleaders. It’s well documented that at least one rifle made it out with zero rifling. Every company screws up. No question about it. But hassling the purchaser over the company mistake is where I draw the line. Especially such a huge mistake.
I’m self...
This is my favorite kind of post. You mean to tell me that you have the same lot of ammo/components as you had 20 years ago?
I primarily use H4350 and IMR4064. Changing from one lot of powder to another (very close lot numbers), my last zero moved .3 MIL Left, and .3 MIL down. That’s just...
Some people just don’t use their gear much. I know of many people with a safe or more full of guns/scopes. How many of those get used hard? I bet none.
Most people also don’t hunt open country. Close shots at big game can very easily be made by a scope that has lost zero. It’s when you start...
You pay your money and take your chances. Nightforce tests every scope before they ship(except shv). I don’t think any other companies to that. To me, a zero stop or illumination failure on a NF is not as bad in the field as a loss of zero. Your mileage may vary.
A lot of the hate is well deserved. Products that fail to perform the function they were designed to do, aren’t worth owning. Customers shouldn’t be QC testers, and a bump shouldn’t knock a scope off zero.
Eyesight is definitely a factor that most just brush off. Sometimes I can see quite a bit of difference in glass between different examples of the same exact scope. Has anyone else noticed the same?
I think context matters here too. I only work 1-2 days a week, and since the only things to do here that I enjoy are hunt, fish, shoot, that’s pretty much my life. I shoot at least 4 days a week. All 6.5 cal and bigger.
If I only shot/hunted during big game season, I probably wouldn’t be so picky.
I have no problem going with a lower mag scope. When there are higher mag options that weigh close to the low mag scope, Its a no brainer to choose the higher mag scope(as long as everything else is close to the same).
That’s where I think we’re at here. At least I am.
I do agree with Form that most people just aren’t prepared to work with high mag. It takes practice. Everyone I hunt with use low magnification.
It would be interesting to hunt alongside some of you to see how everyone does things. Everything is relative, and maybe there is a better way. Kind...