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  1. lintond

    Accuracy international mag length

    Does anybody have an AI AICS 300 WM mag handy they could measure? Their online info is lacking and I’m trying to determine if it will fit in my redsnake bottom metal which fits 3.715” Sent...
  2. lintond


    (7) Spiral flutes from PVA Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. lintond


    This is a sendero with the 0.75 taperless. It has plenty of room for [emoji192][emoji250]. I like it how it is. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. lintond

    Hunting with supressor vs brake

    I’ve run a suppressor on my 26” ridgeline and although long it’s still worth it IMO. I love the lack of punishment my ears take from a suppressor. Which I think is great for kids! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. lintond

    Would you buy this scope?

    Same, I think not seeing the holes on paper helps me stay focused as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. lintond

    What suppressor are you running on your 6.5prc?

    Ultra 7 (30 cal version) - I run it on all my guns Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. lintond

    Suppressed vs Non-Suppressed Hunting

    If I could grow a manbun I’d for sure have one. I’ve been blessed with baldness. Haha I’m with Justin I was disappointed I didn’t have one earlier once I got my first one but shoot whatever gets you excited. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. lintond

    Suppressed vs Non-Suppressed Hunting

    Hunting unsuppressed is like driving a Tesla truck…[emoji6] I forgot my ear pro around my neck once on a couple quick shots on a buck. Immediately bought a suppressor and have never looked back. Your hearing is finite and in my 30s could already tell the damage I’ve done over the years and do...
  9. lintond

    Most common field position on big game animals?

    Based on my memory I’m pretty much an even split. Majority of these are in talk sage rolling hills, so prone is tough. Prone - 2 Standing - 2 Standing supported - 1 Sitting - 2 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. lintond

    Well sheeeet....

    Duct tape fixes everything Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. lintond

    N565 6.5 prc

    58 gr N565 Lapua brass 210M 22” barrel 140 Berger hybrid target 2915 fps 156 Berger 2873 fps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. lintond


    Same problem yesterday…heathens stupid brake on his 308 seemed like a panzer tank in the shooting house. My suppressed 6CM might as well have been a 22LR. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. lintond


    Does anybody have trouble with their ear pro messing with your head position on the Rokstok? Any recommendations for good in-ear versions? Looking for something a little more functional for NRL hunter matches this coming year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. lintond

    Strategy for Other Hunters in "Your" Spot

    I don’t disagree about old stuff, but in this case I’d say if it’s there fresh I won’t touch it. If it’s obvious it’s been there a while or I saw it last year then I consider it abandoned or “donated to public use”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. lintond

    CarbonSix vs PVA prefit experience

    For those still interested I shot a few 10 shot groups today. 6 CM Factory Hornady 108 ELDM. Still not 100% satisfied with how it feeds but it shoots so I’m rolling with it. After season I’ll get components and load my own. 6.5 PRC w/ 140 hybrid target and 156 EOL. I was hoping one would...
  16. lintond


    Oh hey there…I like that pattern Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. lintond

    Strategy for Other Hunters in "Your" Spot

    Strongly disagree! Somebody else did the work to stash the wood under a tarp. Don’t touch it. Imagine you packed in gallons of water and people drank them. How would you feel. Same thing with trail camera, ground blinds, etc. The spot is first come, but just leave other people’s stuff alone...
  18. lintond

    Dads of Rokslide

    My wife reads to our son nightly and it’s amazing to watch him learn and absorb everything. They are sponges!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. lintond

    Dads of Rokslide

    Seems obvious but know that things will be different! You’ll wonder where you spent/wasted all your time before. Work with mom to figure out a few things - Are you going to be on a baby schedule or just go with the flow. Both have pros/cons. - Realize that moms are biologically wired...
  20. lintond

    2025 NRL Hunter

    Anybody planning on going to the Baker City match? Thinking I’ll give it a whirl as my first time with my 6.5 PRC since I just rebarelled my 6.5CM to 6CM. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk