I always keep 6 x 10ft pieces of 550 cord in a sack with my 10x10 or 7x10 aquaquest tarp as basic survival/primary shelter gear and that’s all you’ll ever need. If you need 50+ ft of rope for some strange reason just tie them all end to end with square knots. I occasionally end up cutting some...
I hunt for meat in December and drag the quartered (cow) elk out on a sled over the snow. Far, far easier than rushing a bull out of the high country in September on my back in warm weather.
I use the first lite suspenders with other non-first lite pants quite frequently. They work quite well for light duty. I just hook them in the side belt loops.
Also, they’ll offer locally made chicha for sale along the trail out of “recycled” solo cups. I made the mistake of asking to see how it was made after downing a cup. The kid selling it took me back into the village where a group of old ladies were using their few remaining teeth to chew up corn...
Book in the plaza de armas when you get to Cucsco for about 1/4 -1/8 the price of booking from the US. When I did the 4 day package there were about a dozen of us who booked through many different companies who all hiked in one group but the further away they booked the more expensive it was. I...
I love my 22 year old dodge 3/4 ton diesel but I’ve had to take up a new hobby—repinning electrical connectors where wires have corroded. Still wouldn’t trade it for a new one.
I think @eddielasvegas just said what we were all thinking. Some of us window shoppers who only own bubbasmithed milsurp mausers felt ripped off at not getting to ogle the real thing.
I have some brand new EL Range 8x42 non-TA I could let go. I got them from the EurpOptic close out sale a couple months ago and I’ve only looked through the binoculars from my deck. I haven’t unboxed any accessories yet.
It’s not that he made our powder more expensive, but our dollars cheaper. His so called inflation control act did the opposite of controlling inflation. It flooded the world with extra dollars and his other policies, like curbing oil extraction, have hamstrung the economy’s ability to keep...