My only remaining misgiving is the amount of slope on the bag riding portion. Do you notice the reticle rising precipitously on recoil? That has been my issue with my Grayboe Phoenix 2.
Also would you order with ARCA or leave it?
Just shipping from WY brother. PM me your address. I'll be back in the shop the 19th and will root around for the 1" set of SportsMatches I'm never going to use.
I’d pick up a pair of Unknown Munitions medium or high direct mount tikka rings and be done with it. Those will solve your geometry problems, eliminate an interface that could fail, and do contain a recoil lug.
You want to be shooting a match bullet regardless of weight and regardless of load consistency. On the good BC bad consistency end you've got 77 AAC OTM. On the bad BC good consistency end of the barbell you've got ADI 55 blitz kings. Personally FMJs don't play into this game for me.
Yes, shooting extended strings of supersonic fire with a suppressor still requires hearing protection. Hearing loss is a function of severity, frequency, and duration of exposure.
Yes, shooting individual rounds suppressed and non hearing protected can be safe.
Yes, shooting individual rounds...
Oof. For a non-suppressor state shooting a magnum I would simply maximize the barrel length and spend heavily on great hearing protection that can stay on during stalks (Otto noize barriers or the like).
Omnidirectional muzzle brakes are used by MFGs because they don’t require timing.
While they can accomplish a mild 10-20% reduction in felt recoil (somewhere between a suppressor and bare muzzle), they mostly succeed in kicking up dirt and being loud as all hell.
I advise you to save up for...
I can’t say enough good things about simply keeping some sort of high quality rubberized CA glue around. At the bench, in vehicles, in tool bags, in binoculars harnesses…..
A pic railed, nitrided, footprint-cloned Tikka is not going to result in recovery of costs for UM. Any price sufficient to amortize costs would drive demand too low.
A lightened mini-sized tikka action in 223, 22 arc, and 6 arc (which takes tikka triggers and fits in howa mini inlets) might...
You can use a Dollamur wrestling mat on any surface because it will not fully compress.