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  1. Anglo-American

    Marsupial harness quirks…

    Like you say coastal air is hard going on all metal, and masonry and on an on. I've been thinking about making a bino harness out of a pelt for archery. Double line it so it's fur inside and out. It would be heavier though obviously.
  2. Anglo-American

    Marsupial harness quirks…

    Oil it ? The squeak too?
  3. Anglo-American

    Why did you start hunting Trad?

    Because it's better... Depends what are you looking for from hunting. You can always rifle hunt as well. Ofcourse then there is also the black powder question. Gucci black powder or trad black powder..?
  4. Anglo-American

    Career vs Hobbies - how to balance them

    You need to decide what is actually important to you, and then don't allow the world to distract you from that. Adverts are the enemy....
  5. Anglo-American

    Women and baby brain. What are your theories?

    It's actually a chemical thing. I don't remember the details though. Perfectly normal but in some cases it can be a first sign of health issues exposed by pregnancy. B12, etc. The wife is a doula/ birthing assistant so I half listen and half don't to this topic on a weekly to daily basis...
  6. Anglo-American


    I've been thinking about this as well. Front and rear camera. Speedo camera. Internal camera pointed at driver and drivers side window with mic. No GPS though. Counter insurance fraud and roadside revenue generation.
  7. Anglo-American

    Wool vs Fleece

    I prefer wool. I find it manages sweat and heat over a wider range of temperatures and (my) output better than fleece. Alot better. It also will still keep me warm when wet. It's obviously never comfortable wearing wet clothes, but being wet out in wool is alot more comfortable than being wet...
  8. Anglo-American

    Forloh Clothing?

    I agree. It's interesting to understand the mindset of others. It helps know my own mind better.
  9. Anglo-American

    Always tired? Gaining weight?

    David Canterbury, at Self reliance outfitters. Pathfinder stainless steel or titanium canteen sets. The stainless sets have plastic lids, but with a stainless steel cap on the inside of the lid meaning the water doesn't come into contact with plastic. The titanium canteen lids are solid...
  10. Anglo-American

    Always tired? Gaining weight?

    FYI everybody: Synthetic testosterone can often , (but not always) lead to sterility. Your Doctor likely won't tell you about that. You can write off pharmaceutical side effects if you like, but I will live with negative side effects from miss treatment of pharmacological drugs prescribed by a...
  11. Anglo-American

    Mid layer, fleece or merino

    Depends on you. For me, wool because I find it more breathable over a wider temperature range and warmer at colder temperatures. Everyone has a different opinion on this though, so it's individual specific.
  12. Anglo-American

    Always tired? Gaining weight?

    Your a big unit dude. It takes alot of effort for your heart to make you run. I'm only 5'11" and hover around 190 lean, 200 winter weight. I also work in construction. I went though the ringer in my 20's, (now 39) with my health. A cut just behind my knee cap on a radiator bracket at work and...
  13. Anglo-American

    Company swag

    Branded tape measures. Better yet, fridge magnet tape measures.
  14. Anglo-American

    Boning out vs not

    I want the bone. I'll use it either as food for me, (broth) or the dog.
  15. Anglo-American

    Hunting Efficiently with RedKettle, give a welcome & win!

    Just seen this now! Thank you for also sending me a personal message Christian, @7x64 . My sling has arrived! I haven't had a chance to use it in anger yet but have played about with it. It's a very well thought out and made product. I'm very impressed. Looking forward to using it in the field...
  16. Anglo-American

    Gels when running

    I stopped using gels and used fruit. Dates, dried figs, raisins. If running 20 miles or less I don't eat anything. If going over 20 miles I start eating around mile 16-18. That depends on terrain though as the distance is not relevant really, but the time is. To put it into time I don't...
  17. Anglo-American

    What caliber should my next elk rifle be?

    A 308 SCAR heavy... To much?!
  18. Anglo-American

    DIY Backpacking Meal: Chicken Fajita Bowl

    Great effort. 👍
  19. Anglo-American

    Forloh Method Backpack Test and Review Complete on Page 2

    Patience seems to be getting less and less on Roskilde lately. Or maybe it's me, noticing. I don't know..