Search results

  1. J

    Vortex Razer HD vs Zeiss Conquest HD vs Maven B1.2

    Great info, thanks.
  2. J

    Elite Omnia Test and Review

    Great bow!
  3. J

    Mountain lion hunt with revolver

    wow, great story!
  4. J

    An encounter that was scary

    wow, great story!
  5. J

    Getting In Elk Hunting Shape!

    consistent work outs, day in day out and keeping body fat to normal levels really helps!
  6. J

    Swarovski ATC vs. ATS vs. Kowa 553…Updated 4/26/23!

    love the kowa 554 focusing wheels.
  7. J

    What is "fitness"?

    fitness is gaining greater efficiency in your body. Being able to do more work with less effort.
  8. J

    Favorite Trail Foods

    Mac nuts and cashews.
  9. J

    Anyone else that can’t road run?

    I get shin splints every time I start up again.
  10. J

    Kifaru frame guidance

    Love it as well.
  11. J

    Always tired? Gaining weight?

    Good Info, thanks!